BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 41

General Summary

In the old gnome's home, Atlas proceeds to follow the holder of the magic chain with the intent of stealing it - ignoring the words of Elena's ghost. With Eva and Veda serving as look-outs, the theft is successful. Feeling some guilt, Atlas opts to leave a sum of platinum in the gnome's home, hoping that it might be a suitable replacement for the gnome's cherished memories...   At the Water Dragon Tavern; Godric, Leah and Marty investigate the scene left in the gardens. Large sheets of ice and snow cover a large area, with many black oozes frozen inside. Nobody else seems to be about, though there are a number of badly burnt, and deceased, patrons lying on the ground. Stepping out behind them, Rosie Miz makes an appearance - looking well though slightly off. The woman offers the adventurers some wine, and bids them to take a seat. Rosie explains what happened, that the revellers were attacked in the gardens, and she was left with no choice but to defend herself and others in the best way she could... which involved revealing her true form as a Silver Dragon and fast-freezing the attacking oozes. This revelation was somewhat more startling for those who witnessed the event, and anyone who hadn't already fled quickly did so. With her secret out, Rosie relents that she will have to leave the city and plans to do so this night. Before she goes, the party take this opportunity to question the dragon about historic events - discovering that Rosie (aka Snowfall) is almost 800 years old. Rosie recalls her knowledge of Astolfo, the previous owner of the The Unbreakable Chain, but can't offer much more than the party don't already know about other events.   Before leaving, Rosie says that the tavern will be listed for sale tomorrow at noon, and should anyone be interesting in purchasing it, they should speak to her retainer then. Eva sees this as an opportunity to make an investment.   The party return to their respective places of rest, where Veda has a chance to catch up with her parents. Coda speaks about a chance encounter he had with Lust of The Lover's Nest whilst the party were on their expedition. After some small talk and convincing, Coda spoke about what happened to Veda and her family some time ago, and the red-skinned tiefling explains that she had a similar experience when she was younger, where men of the same description offered to buy the young tiefling from her mother. With evidence suggesting that the Nakabans may be behind this too, Veda is left to wonder just how long they have been doing this, and how successful they've been... Coda also gives Veda a letter from Lust, which includes an invitation for both her and Godric to join them for something left unsaid...    Early the following morning, each member of the Unlikely Association finds a royal carriage waiting for them outside, as they are summoned to the palace for their meeting with the queen. Also in attendance are The Knight Princess Valkia Orbeck, Commander Ariadne Knightsbridge, Torleth Vanorin and Hope.   Before proceedings begin, the queen gives the party a reward of 3000GP for their aid in defending her and the city. They are also provided with a diamond worth 300GP, and another diamond is provided for the resurrection of the man Marty wanted to save at the church.   Ariadne begins the meeting by explaining what happened to her yesterday. Whilst enjoying a drink at the Water Dragon Tavern, another changeling assassin attempted to kill her amidst the ooze attacks. Thankfully, Torleth was at the tavern at the same time, and with her druidic magics they were able to fend off the assassin. After the assassin was killed, it assumed the featureless form the group saw on the queen's attacker. This prompted the pair to speak about the shapeshifter issue, to which Torleth offered a solution.   With the Moonbeam spell, any shapechanger would be forced to revert to its natural form. Ariadne suggests then that before any further discussions take place, everyone present should be subjected to the spell - to ensure none of them are shapechangers. After Valkia's initial protest that the queen should have to endure this pain, it is the queen who steps through first. One by one, each member of the meeting passes through the moonbeam, unchanged and mildly singed. Atlas is the last to go... unsure of what might happen, he steps through - successfully resisting the effects of the spell. Realising this, Torleth instructs Atlas that he must let his guard down in order for the magic to work. In Elvish, Atlas pleads for Torleth to let it go, and that he'll explain later. Successfully resisting the spell a second time, Torleth concludes that everyone has passed. Ariadne however suggests that there is still one more to step through the Moonbeam - Hope. Valkia protests once more, but Hope relays to Godric that she wants to do it. Jumping through the Moonbeam, everyone watches as the tiger cub transforms into the nude form of Princess Olwyn Orbeck. Her wounds are quickly healed, and a rug thrown over her. Before any clothes can be found however, Olwyn reverts to her tiger form.   Ariadne begins apologising profusely, not realising that the tiger was the young princess. As explanations are provided, Torleth gives her opinion as a druid - that Olwyn has been afflicted with Lycanthrope. Her reasoning is based purely on the nature of the transformation, were-creatures cannot transform with any worn object, whereas polymorphed or wildshaped creatures do. She suggests that with practice and patience, Olwyn may be able to control this transformation - though no true cure is known for the condition.   With her role completed, Torleth leaves the meeting and the remaining attendants discuss their next steps. The queen wishes to get to the bottom of these attacks and all of the strange occurrences from Nakaba as quickly as possible. It is unclear whether these actions are under the order of Greta Boulderfist, a political group within the city, or a lone aggressor. At this stage, the queen simply wishes to find out what is going on before she makes any formal or retributive response. If the party are able to put an end to the troubles while they are in Nakaba however, the queen gives her permission to do so.   Ariadne advises the group to seek out Drake Chosa when they arrive in Nakaba. Drake was born in Kureta City, and received her magical training there. Ariadne is confident that she is not involved in whatever is happening, and that if something is amiss in Nakaba, Drake will have something to put the party on the right track.   Before leaving the meeting, the party are assigned a retainer from the queen to purchase whatever travel supplies or disguises they need.   Outside the palace, the group find Torleth waiting for them. The elf is currently talking to Taenaran, Leah's friend from Mintaun, who has come looking for her. After some awkward conversation, the 3 elves head to the Deddo Forest, where Leah sends an animal messenger into the Feywild.   At the University of Magic, the group are able to buy a set of rings that will allow them to disguise themselves for 8 hours a day. They are even able to adapt one to fit Hope, allowing her to take the form of another animal. Some other magical purchases are made too.   With the question of travel and disguise left to discuss, Veda suggests they become a troupe of bards - with Godric and Atlas serving as bodyguards. The group decide that travelling by horse rather than boat is in their best interest, as they won't have to worry about maintaining their disguises all day.   The plan is set, and the Unlikely Association agree to head off the following day, with a few other errands to take care of beforehand.

Rewards Granted

  • 3000GP
  • Diamond x1 (300GP)
  • The Unbreakable Chain
Report Date
31 Oct 2020
Primary Location


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