BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 69

General Summary

  • Attacked by Templar Taenaran and a group of Nakaban soldiers
  • Ten is being controlled with Nakaban's magic, but is freed with a Dispel Magic
  • Rest of the soldiers are killed, and Ten reveals that the party have been gone for about 5 months
  • In that time, Greta Boulderfist has marched her forces out of Nakaba , and has taken over much of the south east - including Mintaun and Hiku City
  • The Mintaun Militia are being controlled by the control tattoos, and they are using a combination of strange magic and technology to bolster their forces
  • A large turtle-like creature that is impervious to damage has been let loose in Kureta Lake. This has forced the city to retract its bridges, as the creature was attacking anyone who sought entry or exit
  • The north of the country is also experiencing some trouble, but Ten is unsure exactly what the situation is there
  • Marty attempts to contact Veda's husband, Ely Lunam, to check if he is ok - but the spell fails.
  • Sending another message to Coda, the older tiefling confirms that he and Veda's mother are doing ok, all things considered, but there was an explosion at Veda's home, and Ely is no longer with them
  • Verana Mavros transforms into an owl and heads to Nakaba to try and spy on their goings-on
  • The party head towards the capital and setup up camp as night falls
  • Marty communes with Mortona and confirms that Ely was killed in the explosion
  • Eva contacts Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice, to try and find out what happened to Ely and if there is a way to revive him
  • The angel appears before the party in a flash of lightning, pointing her weapon towards Eva accusingly
  • Eva's old friend, and father of her child, Ilamin Taren came to see Eva when the baby should have been due - but couldn't find her
  • After searching for some time, he returned to Kaiz just in time to be killed by dragon fire - as the whole of Kaiz was destroyed
  • Blaming Eva's disappearance for this tragedy, Aurelia had since been seeking the warlock, to no avail - until now
  • Eva asks about Ely, to which Aurelia has an answer. The angel goes to collect Veda (who had been walking off until now), and tells them both that in her search for Eva, she went to Veda's home. Once there, she discovered "Dermot" and ordered his immediate capture due to the nature of his being, and the dangers he posed.
  • In the attempted capture, something happened which triggered a large explosion from the Nephilim. The explosion destroyed Veda's home and killed her husband.
  • After a heated discussion between Veda and the angel, Aurelia eventually turns back to Eva to ask where she had been.
  • Discovering that the party were in the Feywild - and that Eva is still pregnant - Aurelia suggests that there may be a way to fix things, and that the party should seek out their most powerful allies for help
  • Aurelia returns to the heavens, leaving things very tense amongst the party
  • Veda and Eva have a falling out, which results in the party being split (somehow with Veda and Eva going together with Atlas towards the city, whilst the others stay behind to sleep)
  • Eva, Veda and Atlas walk through the night, arriving at the shores of Kureta Lake. Veda flies into the city, leaving Atlas and Eva to find a more creative solution inside
  • Arriving at what remains of her home, Veda begins searching the wreckage for mementos but is interrupted by Harmony
  • Harmony conveys her condolences for Veda's loss, confirming that Ely was buried in the graveyard and had a service paid for by the palace
  • Veda asks about the book that Harmony had about fiends, saying that she knows Harmony has made a deal and she wants to see the book
  • Harmony says she can't do that, but suggests they have a chat on the way to see Ely's grave
  • On the way, Harmony discloses that she now knows "The Truth", and that she plans to stop the Unlikely Association from fulfilling Flarus' plan
  • Harmony leads Veda into a quiet ally, drawing a new magical sword that she didn't have before - a sword that Veda realises must be Calis - the legendary sword once owned by King Alaric
  • Before Harmony can attack, Veda Dimension Doors away, running into Eva and Atlas who have just made their way into the city (Atlas sporting a large gash in his leg)
  • The 3 of them head to Atlas' home to await the arrival of the rest of the party, who show up some hours later
  • Regrouped again, the party use their connection to Baxilden to spy on parts of the city - they discover that both the palace and Order of the Shield are abuzz with war preparations, and that they are not wanted criminals
  • The group return to their tower to discuss their plan. Veda fills them in on the Harmony situation, and some research into some possible solutions are attempted
  • With talk of getting help from other Archdevils and other higher powers, it seems things have gotten quite dire...
  • Eva has a dream that night, with Envy paying her one final visit. Apparently missing her due date has broken the contract, as the deal was time-sensitive. Eva attempts to argue that it was Envy's own fault that the contract was broken, but the Archdevil disregards the idea. He confirms that their business is completed, but the Erinyes of hell will be looking to take her away for breach of contract
  • With all hell broken loose, the party rest up before venturing out to discover what else could have happened in the past few months
Report Date
01 Oct 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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