BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 8

General Summary

With the revelations in Cassandra's Notebook in the open, Veda explains her current situation, and why she's on the path of the adventurer. A few months ago, Veda gave birth to a boy. The child's father was a bard for the Royal Court, an Aasimar called Ely. Shortly after the birth, Veda's family was attacked by mysterious assailants. With Coda's help, the attackers were repelled, leaving no trace other than a note that stated 'Take the Nephilim'. Cassandra's notebook seems to confirm that the child is what was being referred to as a Nephilim - the powerful creature, the result of the mixed blood of angels and fiends.   Veda's hope is to end the threat to her family, so that her husband and son can come home. Until then, they are somewhere in hiding - safe for the time being.   The remainder of Cassandra's notebook is deciphered, revealing that the Master of Glamour had been conducting some suspicious business in the city, including keeping a record of the Order of the Shield's comings and goings, the advancements of the University of Magic and interfering in the relationship of Princesses Irena & Ursa  To try and find out more, the party brake into Cassandra De La Hûne's office. Here they find the ancient tome mentioned in the notebook, as well as a spellbook of illusions, a journal of secret correspondence and a Wand of Non-Detection.   After leaving the College of Exquisite Arts, the group retire to their separate places of rest.   The following morning, Godric is pulled into Ariadne Nightsbridge's office to discuss the previous night's events. Godric reveals that they found a marker left by the Silent Owls on Cassandra's body, to which Ariadne abruptly stands up and rushes out of the room. Following the commander into the jail cells, the pair find the captured Reaper dead in his cell - assassinated by the Owls.   Before leaving, Ariadne tells Godric that a note was found on the scene telling any surviving Reapers to go to the Greystone Inn for their payment. Nothing was found last night, but the group head there anyway to see if they can find anything of interest.   Dag Littlefoot, the owner of the inn, reveals that there were a couple of injured men who came in last night, and that they spoke to somebody in one of the establishment's many dark corners. The person they met smelled heavilly of 'Pearl' - a drug that has been doing the rounds mostly on the coast.   In the alley behind the inn, Eva finds a scrap of cloth caught on the broken door jam which carries the same strong smell. The drug itself doesn't usually smell this much, suggesting that this person may have been in a facility that produces the stuff.   Whilst this is happening, Leah takes the opportunity to seek out Drake Chosa at the Water Dragon Tavern. The private investigator reveals that she has seen the Shadow Witches in the Deddo Forest. They mentioned something called 'The Creeping Night' and that their plans were moving forward. Drake would have liked to investigate further, but without somebody paying her to do so, she wouldn't be able to afford to.
Report Date
15 Nov 2019
Primary Location


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