Session 88 Report Report in Embril | World Anvil

Session 88 Report

General Summary

Haymin’s Heroes returned to Heroes for Hire and introduced Traegandar to Belpher Burrows, Patch, and Astri. Mogi Delvin explained that Traegandar had recently lost his parents and that Mogi was the only family he had left. He said he was a distant uncle to the boy. They gave Traegandar the last spare bedroom and got him all settled in.   Then the party discussed their upcoming trip to West Andaria, Kainan. They decided to leave on May 13, 499 AV and go to Church to see Brother Lu. After they finished there, they would go to West Andaria to be there in time for the party the day before the premiere.   For the next couple of days, Haymin’s Heroes prepared for their trip. Jenivar Albyn came to see them to make sure they were aware of the party and to coordinate where they would meet in West Andaria. It turned out that Jenivar and Lady Dyora Albyn were planning to stay at the same in that Haymin’s Heroes were planning to visit. Selia Roselyn Maxwell had purchased a map of West Andaria and they had looked it over to see what inns were available closest to the Legacy Theater. Jenivar also mentioned to them that Doom Bringers had been looking for someone named Idarin Black. They discussed what they knew of this briefly.   Traegandar was also introduced to Jenivar. And during the conversation, Traegandar admitted that he was a gold dragon. This news caught Astri by surprise, but Belpher and Patch admitted to have already known, especially when Belpher noticed how much young Traegandar ate on a daily basis.   On May 13, 499 AV, Haymin’s Heroes were teleported to Church by Amanaxis. Titta Morco and Ladigo Farthon agreed to leave Fisher and Pennig behind as the two animals would be awkward to handle in West Andaria. The city of Church was relatively small, about half the size of Rowadin. They walked through and headed straight for the Temple of Truth in the city center. They passed several other grandiose temples along the way and made a note of seeking out the temples of Terra, Goddess of the Land, and Viribus, God of Valor, after they had spoken with Brother Lu.   They were told to expect a long line of people waiting to see the angel. When they reached the Temple of Truth, that is exactly what they found. The line wound for a great length with several people setting up tents to sleep in while they waited. The last person in line told them it might take a day and a half. But as Haymin’s Heroes took their place in line, a man walked up to them an told them that Brother Lu would see them now, much to the surprise of the other people in line.   The party was led inside the building, a grand cathedral of white marble. There were several books inside on bookshelves that lined the walls. Towards the back they were taken into a room where Brother Lu greeted them. He was an angelic figure with feathery wings and long golden hair.   Haymin’s Heroes spoke with Brother Lu for some time and asked him many questions. On some things, Brother Lu was rather direct. But on others, he was not, sometimes offering a vague clue, and others no information at all. He told Auren Sylynn that there was indeed a way to separate Beldryss’ phylactery from his bloodline. He even claimed that he could do it himself if they were willing to perform a task for him. They agreed, but he told them that the task could not be performed now. They were not yet ready.   Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone asked about her name. Brother Lu told her it meant “Lord have mercy,” in ancient Greek, an old language from a far away world. Brother Lu told them he was singing this song when Merrywind Onyx came to see him with the Emerald Striders. He said it was a popular song 6,000 years ago on that world.   When they asked about what they would find in Terra’s Wall, Brother Lu told them there were several dangers there. The tunnels would lead them underground and they could potentially face several such dangers found in the Underdark. But for certain, they would have to pass through a drow stronghold. These dark elves were drawn towards Terra’s Wall by the magical signatures emanating from the wards. However, they watch and study it from a distance, because of Nathgraxamin, the Shadow of Death who lairs against the wards. Nathgraxamin, they guessed, is a shadow dragon.   They learned about the five rings that could be used to bypass the wards around Clades’ Wrath. The three rings they possessed must be used together to do so. These rings were created by the gods in response to Clades’ Wrath and given to priests who fled the destruction. The rings and map were scattered. Two of the rings were either hidden or lost, while the third ring traded hands many times over the centuries. This ring, the Ring of Acuity which Selia wore was stolen from Razcaczar, the red dragon ruler of Zamilon a couple years ago by the Unseen. Brother Lu warned the party that the dragon would come looking for his ring one day. In response to these rings, the evil gods of Embril forged the Ring of Darkness, which Bram Invictus now wields. The vampire, however, does not know that this ring could be used to enter Clades’ Wrath. Then Clades, God of Disaster, and Vastator, God of Destruction, created the Ring of Ruin.   Haymin’s Heroes learned that Mr. King was a half-doppelganger. Brother Lu would not give them his true identity, but told them that they had already met him. Mr. King wants to find the Heart of Embril because he believes that he could use it to make himself a god. But Brother Lu said that the Heart of Embril possessed no such powers. It was just the first rock the gods had handled when bringing life to Embril. It would be up to them to decide what they should do with the Heart of Embril once they found it.   Brother Lu also suggested that they would one day face off against a divine power. Titta guessed that it might be Asmodeus, God of Sin. Brother Lu confirmed this.   When they concluded their conversation with Brother Lu, he invited them to peruse his library of holy books collected from thousands of worlds over the years. An attendant came over to them to help them navigate this collection. As they parted with the angel, he told them they would meet again one day.
The Heart of Embril
Pyzar Zim
Auren Sylynn
Titta Morco
Mogi Delvin
Ladigo Farthon
Kyrie Eleison Thatcher-Stone
Selia Roselyn Maxwell
Report Date
23 May 2022


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