Latecomers to Endunia, Humans arrived with many gods of their own, but also conflated them with the gods of the existing races. Gond had been known to them before they had met the Dwarves, and the newly arrived humans saw many similarities between their Selune and the Elves’ Sehanine. Further complicating matters, Humans often adopted the gods of their new neighbors, and several non-human gods presented themselves with human aspects. Nevertheless, Humans maintain their own large pantheon, with each individual and civilization worshiping in their own way. Next door neighbors may worship the same gods, or vastly different ones. An exception to this are traditional Ribaltians, who honor only the gods they deem as “fully human.” Gond has been struck from the Ribaltian pantheon for being a child of Moradin, and Sylvanus has, likewise, been removed, due to his similarities with the Archfey and Elven gods of nature. Ribaltians disregard any similarities between Selune and Sehanine, and persecute those who portray Selune in an Elven aspect. The other species are often shocked and confused that the Humans have outright Evil gods in their pantheon, like Bane or Shar.