Benton Settlement in Eradalis | World Anvil


The Free Town of Benton

The independent frontier farmers of Benton decided long ago to band together and live in peace together. Doing so helped keep the wild frontiers of Aéredon a safe place, since the beginning of the kingdoms expansion, from the various groups of bandits, thieves, goblins and other monsters from the Torren Woodlands nearby. Many green adventurers come here to test to wild of the land and taste a life of the grand adventure that awaits!  
"Walking along the main road, The Freetown of Benton cannot be missed, though calling it a town seems a little generous. The farming village sprouted up around a bridge built over the Torren River, towards the beginning of the Age of Revival. It is the halfway point between The Cascades and Emerald Bay, and often the only comfortable night and warm meal travelers will catch on the weary road."


Mostly human and halfling families. An odd gaggle of mercenaries hangs around to help keep the town relatively safe.


Ruled by the Law of the Town, upheld at weekly meetings all are encouraged to attend.


The ragtag farmers of Benton have always banded together when the goblins and gnolls grow restless near the edge of the forest.

Industry & Trade

The city of Benton survives on the farmers who live there. But it has since grown as trading increased. Flotillas of lumber bob down the Big Torren River on their way to the capital. The townsfolk send barges of wheat back up into The Cascades, in return for barrels of Redwood Ale, which is shipped all over the country, from the capital, in Emerald Bay.


Benton is a very simple frontier town. Most people are farmers, or craftsmen working off the resource rich Torren Woodlands nearby. They produce exquisite beer and a unique style of furniture to the region, due to the ample supply of materials nearby.

Points of interest


This is where the villagers meet every Freden to discuss the Rule of Law.  

The Benton Alehouse

This inn and tavern serve the whole town of Benton.  

Jerabya's Supplies

This general store is where adventurer's can find anything.  

The Hammerhead Smithy

This blacksmith provides tools and blades as well as furniture.  

Temple to Aére

This is where villagers gather to praise The Father.


  • The Free Town of Benton
    Welcome to the Free Town of Benton!!!
Founding Date
47 AoR
Alternative Name(s)
The Free Town of Benton
Inhabitant Demonym
The villagers of Benton
Location under
Owning Organization