Session 15


Vanryell and Tylen ask the party to look into some difficulties that the Tradesmen District has been having so that he can gain support of the counselor there.

At one of the monthly meetings at The Ocean Tide, Vanryell give the people an update on the different activities going on in the Fishing District. The lady who complained about the rats before is now saying that the rats are no longer a problem. She thanks Van for taking care of it.   Tylen tells the party that Denmon Metalheart, the counselor of the Tradesmen District has been having a problem with the two major stone mason guilds. They keep suing each other and it is getting to the point where it is tying up the courts.   The group investigates the two organizations, Dwarven Stone Guild and Polished Pillars Stoneworkers. Kellen eventually gives up on keeping a straight face and someone the rest of the party make up for his lack of perverted jokes on the matter.   The result of the investigation is that Polished Pillars claims that Dwarven Stonecutters is creating lies and trying to ruin them. Meanwhile, Dwarven Stonecutters is accusing Polished Pillars of spying and sabotage. They say that their shipments have been getting ruined and ask the part to protect one of them.   While meeting with them, the party also meets with a teifling lawyer from Devils Own Law Firm. Apart from nearly boring the party to death (Except for Salvestro who enjoyed a good nap while he was talking), he also delivered a pre-emptive cease and desist letter to Slade. He said that they had heard there was someone with a different religion in town and they like to cover their bases.

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