Session 5, Deadly Toys



Van asks the party to investigate some stranges goings on, children are hearing noises in their bedrooms at night and want help

Vanryell sends a message to the party asking them for help. He explains that there have been numerous incidents of children hearing noises in their rooms and they are getting scared. The guards investigated but couldn't find evidence of any crimes. The party was given the guard's reports. They go to the people, ask around, and then come to the conclusion that the families are being affected by toys that have been brought to life using Animate Object. They investigate more, which leads them to Play Forged as the source of the toys but not the enchantment. They found 3 animated toys, but 4 were bought, a large unicorn is still on the lose. They then go to Ervelt Magic Academy and the magic is traced to Ilie, but he seems to have dropped out. They investigate further, find that he has a hit list that includes Shaxiros, the head master of the academy, Tylen, and another name that they do not recognize. They find his hide out with him inside of it, knock him out, and bring Ilie back to be questioned.   Hand out: Guard's Notes  



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