Arcane Acquisitions

Arcane Acquisitions is a shop that sells magical arms and armor located in the Chasm district. The shop is easy to locate, as it will generally be emanating a bright purple, green, or blue glow from one of its many forges and braziers.   Approaching the shop, a customer will normally hear the banging of hammer on anvil, the hiss of steam valves being released from the many stills and alchemical contraptions, or the roar of seemingly-magical flames. The shop is run by the eccentric half-elf Wizard named Flinar Ralolar.   Flinar wears a robe and goggles around his shop, where he quietly toils away with a perpetual frown on his face. His assistant, a goblin by the name of Gitz, performs most of the mundane blacksmithing at the shop. Patrons will never, however, hear Flinar and Gitz conversing as Flinar chooses to telepathically communicate with his assistant.   Flinar Ralolar, age unknown, is a mysterious individual. Not one to volunteer much information, little is known about the wizard. What some do know, however, is that before Flinar arrived in Neverwinter, he was among the select that had visited Wave Echo Cave outside of Phandalin to study the Forge of Spells, after it was rediscovered and reopened.   Flinar isn’t unfriendly, per se, just merely very flat in his demeanor. His frown seems to be more of a physical attribute of the man than an actual indication of his discontent. Flinar will even attempt to smile and warmly greet customers that enter his shop, though the expression generally comes across as awkward, insincere, and offputting. Attempts to converse with Gitz will never result in anything more than a nod or shake of the head.   Flinar offers a variety of magical weapons, armor, and items that he crafts in his workshop. He does not take requests or commissions, instead, offering only what he was already created. Some speculate the store is more of a research laboratory for the wizard, and he only chooses to sell his goods to make room for new research.
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