The Beached Leviathan

The Leviathan was an infamous pirate vessel that prowled up and down the Sword Coast, striking terror into those that crossed its path. The Leviathan’s captain, Harrag, was a fearsome foe to any that met him at sea, and no sailors felt their treasure safe while Harrag was out hunting on the Sea of Swords. Sometime after the eruption of Mount Hotenow, the Leviathan ran aground in northern Neverwinter and punctured its hull. Rather than abandon his ship, Harrag stayed with it as the city’s docks were rebuilt around the ship (part of the general reconstruction efforts of the time). Harrag oversaw the ship’s conversion from a wreck into a thriving inn and tavern.


The ship is divided into three levels for guests. The first level (“the hold”), entered from the docks, hosts the Beached Leviathan’s kitchen and tavern. The tavern has a large number of tables fit for parties of all sizes. The second level (“the quarters”) hosts an inn with 12 rooms of various sizes for rent, and the third level (“the deck”) features private parlor rooms and tables that can be rented for a heftier price. Atop “the deck” is an extra upper cabin that serves as Captain Harrag’s private quarters. The decks’ various levels are accessible via a small spiral staircase at the center of the ship. In addition, a pulley-operated lift can transport goods between each of the levels via a small shaft that extends through each of the levels.   The entire ship is decorated with nautically-themed paraphernalia, many of which are trophies from Harrag’s past conquests. The interior of the ship and its furnishing are wellcrafted, featuring fancy oak and cherry woodwork. However, years of patrons coming, going, and brawling have left the finelycrafted interior well-worn.


Throughout its relatively brief history in Neverwinter, the Beached Leviathan has found itself embroiled in conflict well beyond its seemingly-humble station. This is largely because of the type of patronage allowed in the Leviathan, in addition to Lord Dagult Neverember’s own involvement with the locale. It was with Neverember’s support and patronage that Harrag was able to create the establishment at all — as Neverember was ultimately the one to expunge record of his numerous crimes on the high seas. This made Harrag a true Neverember loyalist. Lord Neverember absolutely uses Harrag for his own ambitions. Neverember even went so far as to turn Harrag’s own shadow into a sentient creature used to spy on the facility. In 1479, as part of the scuffle over the true heir to the throne of Neverwinter and the lost crown of Alagondar, the Leviathan was attacked by furious Neverwinter members.
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