Hall of Justice

The Hall of Justice stands as the primary temple to Tyr, the god of law and justice, in the city of Neverwinter. The Hall’s grand stone walls, towering stone pillars, and high domed roof make it an impressive and intimidating structure. Its interior is also large enough to house large races such as giants and dragons.   Serving as much more than a mere temple to a deity, the Hall of Justice functioned as the city’s court for low justice (i.e., excluding crimes where the accused were of noble birth, lacking citizenship, or charged with murder). It also served as a drilling and training ground in disciplined weaponry for those devout followers who served to defend the temple and Neverwinter that for which it stood.


The Hall’s functions largely ceased with Tyr’s death in the late 1300s DR. Even after Tyr’s death, residents of Neverwinter refused to repurpose the temple to worship other deities. When Lord Dagult Neverember arrived in the city, he installed a temporary priesthood of Torm at the location, reasoning there were similarities in religious tenets. He also used the temple as a base for his operations in the city as well as a personal residence. Both actions were met with disapproval by the city’s residents.   With Tyr’s recent resurrection, the temple has now been rededicated to Tyr, and Lord Dagult Neverember now uses a restored portion of Castle Never as his personal residence. The Hall’s restoration was highly regarded by the citizens of Neverwinter and did much to improve Lord Neverember’s esteem with locals. With the Hall of Justice returning to its former glory, it once again serves as the central focal point, in both physical location and spirit, of the Protector’s Enclave.
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