The Cloak Tower

The Cloak Tower is a wizard tower that served as a meeting place and citadel to the Many-Starred Cloak order of wizards. The tower suffered a prolonged occupation by orcs, but has recently returned to the custody of the Order of the Many-Starred Cloaks   The Cloak Tower, and all of the wizards within, disappeared during the Spellplague in 1385 DR. The tower mysteriously returned about six months later — albeit in a new location. However, there were no traces of the wizards that had once resided there.   Naturally, once the tower returned to Neverwinter, it didn’t take long for thieves to attempt looting the tower. The tower, after all, was thought to contain a wondrous magical device found in a Netherese ruin called “Halavar’s Universal Pantograph”. The device could reportedly duplicate metal objects that were “the size of a large throne or smaller” — this included coins! However, all the thieves soon perished in the tower, leaving a sole survivor to recount the tales of what was seen.   The thieves didn’t locate the magical device, and they saw neither wizards nor their bodies. The colorful cloaks mysteriously remained, however, hanging on the pegs where they were left. Suddenly, the colorful cloaks came to life and smothered the thieves to death, save the sole survivor.   The Many-Arrows orc tribe invaded the tower and were able to claim it. The Neverwinter residents, assuming the tower was warded by some leftover magical defenses left by the Many-Starred Cloak wizards, thought the orcs too would soon perish in the tower. The orcs, however, seemingly did not meet any resistance in the tower and were able to hold it.   Lord Neverember tolerated the orcs in the location largely because he had no better option. The tower was actually one of the most fortified locations in the city, which left Neverember simply biding his time until he could figure out a way to rid the city of the orcs. Luckily, the Many-Arrow orcs decided to vacate the tower and move east with to help their brethren battle the dwarves.   The Order of the Many-Starred Cloaks has once again become active with some ranking members even working with Lord Neverember to secure the region. It is presumed that custody of the Cloak Tower has returned to the Many Starred Cloaks.
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