Priscillas Perfumes and Potables

Priscilla’s Perfumes and Potables is owned and operated by a young human woman who goes simply by “Priscilla” — never a last name given. The beautiful shop, located in the Bluelake District, has floor-to-ceiling shelves filled with fresh flowers and glass bottles of vibrantly colored liquids. In fact, there are so many flowers in this shop that a number of newcomers have mistaken it for a florist. All of the cabinetry in the shop is ornately crafted and polished to a shine.   While the shop’s name may seem to indicate that it is focused around perfumes and fragrant beverages, Priscilla is an extremely talented alchemist and apothecary. She is capable of making exotic and rare concoctions for the right price. She also has some talent in diagnosing maladies, though she generally doesn’t offer those services unless asked explicitly.   While extremely jovial, Priscilla will avoid giving away much personal information. How she came to possess her skills at such a young age, how she could afford such a nice shop in the Bluelake District, and her family history are all mysterious. Local residents of Bluelake will tell you the shop itself seemed to spring up from nowhere overnight.   Despite being relatively new to the city, Priscilla is now well known to a large swath of Neverwinter residents as a person with great compassion. She frequently donates her goods and services to poorer Neverwinter residents that are truly in need. She even regularly makes her way down to the Chasm District to hand-deliver potions and poultices to the sick or injured.   All the same, her shop is absolutely befitting of the Bluelake District’s desire to be restored to noble estates and households. The more-wealthy residents of Neverwinter all know of Priscilla and frequent her shop for both her potions and finely-crafted fragrances. The poorer residents of Neverwinter may not know of the shop, but will absolutely know of Priscilla herself and her supposed “miracle” cures.
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