Pirates Skyhold

Northwest of Neverwinter, just off the Sword Coast, is a floating earthmote referred to as “Pirates’ Skyhold”. Soon after the Spellplague, some pirates in the area noted the earthmote could serve as a defensible base in the coasts they roamed. One band of pirates, in possession of a skyship, claimed the earthmote as their own and built up modest wooden fortifications on the earthmote. A mysterious tragedy befell the skyhold that left most, if not all, of its pirate residents dead or missing. Their skyship remains docked on the earthmote as an eerie reminder of its abandonment. No one knows precisely what happened on the skyhold, but scores of rumors about the location circulate in Neverwinter. Some claim a dragon took the skyhold, others claim it is being inhabited by Netherese, while still others claim it is haunted by all manner of ghosts   It is also rumored that a hoard of treasure still exists on the earthmote. The pirates were reported to store their booty in the skyhold, and given their sudden demise, it is thought the treasure must surely still be on the earthmote somewhere. Getting to the skyhold, however, is no easy feat. Some form of aerial or magical transportation will need to be procured to access the area.
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