The Fallen Tower

The Fallen Tower is a tavern constructed in the ruins of a wizard’s tower. The tavern features a rather unique and macabre nightly spectacle that has kept it a popular drinking location for well over a century.   Phantasmic remnants of the tower’s destruction remain at the location. Every night, at the exact time Llomnauvel triggered the explosion that destroyed the tower, visions of those final moments appear at the ruined base of the tower. These silent magical projections depict Brotherhood mages, ablaze, falling helplessly to their deaths. This is soon followed by the Brotherhood’s Overwizard falling similarly while his limbs transform into eels. This seemingly harmless magical vision both horrified and fascinated onlookers. Naturally, some entrepreneurial individuals managed to turn this tragic spectacle into entertainment for locals and travelers alike. The base of the tower was renovated into a tavern. The area of the spectacle was railed off, and tables were placed all around it so that patrons may watch the “show” as they sipped on their drinks. Sadly, the tavern eventually gained a reputation for mediocre, overpriced drinks and a steep cover charge. That,combined with the multiple catastrophes that hit Neverwinter in the 15th century DR, eventually left the tavern abandoned.   The Many-Arrow tribe discovered and started to loot the tavern and its vast wine stores when they invaded Neverwinter’s Tower District. One night, in the midst of their looting and revelry at the Fallen Tower, the phantasmic images appeared and scared the orcs out of the building. The orcs eventually mustered their courage and, once realizing the phantom images were harmless, returned to the building.   An enterprising single-eared orc named “Vagdru One-Ear” restored the site to being a functioning tavern. By way of a mutual agreement between Lord Neverember and the leadership of the Many-Arrow tribe, the tavern now serves as a neutral ground between the orcs and other races that occupy the city. All are welcome to enjoy the tavern’s offerings provided they start no trouble. Any troublemakers that violate this truce are likely to face the immediate wrath of the tavern’s regular clientele. The tavern’s current offerings, however, are “humble” and priced accordingly. The wine and ale are inexpensive but satisfactory. Raw meat, of an unknown source, is served up to be prepared over an open cook fire.


Decades before the Spellplague, the tower was owned by a powerful wizard named Llomnauvel “Firehands” Oloadhin. The Arcane Brotherhood coveted Oloadhin’s accumulation of magical items. One night, the Brotherhood violently attacked the tower in an attempt to steal the magical goods and capture Oloadhin. A spectacular magical battle raged throughout the tower. Oloadhin had anticipated the attack and rigged his tower with all manner of magical traps, including maniacal spells that turned the trespassers into lowly sea creatures.   However, Oloadhin’s traps were ultimately unable to stop the raid. Rather than let the Arcane Brotherhood take his tower and the contents within, the unhinged Oloadhin triggered a final massive spell that destroyed the tower. As the tower fell in a magical blaze, everyone inside perished (including Oloadhin himself).
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