Dependable Defensibles

Brannur Lutgehr, a talented and hard-working young (by dwarven standards) male dwarf, has seen an opportunity in Neverwinter’s reconstruction efforts. Brannur has opened up a blacksmithing shop in Neverwinter’s Chasm District to sell armor, tools, and larger pieces of farming equipment (e.g., plows). While the nascent shop is still only positioned to offer the more-standard forms of armor, Brannur is quickly gaining a reputation for well-crafted goods and has even scored some contracts supplying armor to Neverwinter’s guard forces.   The shop is impeccably clean and well-organized. Much of the armor on display is polished to a mirror-like finish and always arranged in a perfectly symmetrical configuration on the shop’s walls and stands. If Brannur isn’t in the back of the shop working with the forges, he can be found in the front of the shop either sweeping or running around with a cloth to remove any smudges that may have found their way onto one of his works. A customer accidentally bumping one of the armor stands such that it skews slightly is likely to give Brannur an involuntary twitch.   Brannur has a calm and polite demeanor, and most of his customers would find it hard to picture him ever raising his voice - be it in excitement or anger. This comes through in his work, as Brannur likes to focus his talents on crafting items of defense and utility rather than items of intended to harm. However, this illusion of a calm stoicism would quickly be dispelled if one were to see Brannur and his sister, Brannwyn, interacting. When those two are in the same room, a heated argument is sure to arise.
Craftsman, Blacksmith / Smithy
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