Charles Alsreach

Doctor Charles Alsreach is the CEO and founder of Medico in New Vegas. Born in 2243 in Baja, Charles joined the Followers of the Apocalypse at the age of 16 trying to help people. Growing up he saw the greed of Baja's Brahmin Barons first hand, and wanted desperately to help the people they were hurting, the Followers helped him get an extensive education in medicine. Unfortunately with the New California Republic actively hindering the Followers' efforts in the 60's, he would leave after being unable to treat a single patient in months. Charles would then set up as a travelling doctor, heading east with many settlers. Despite the Followers eventually signing an accord to operate in the NCR again, he was left with the belief that the followers simply couldn't do the job any more.   By the 70's he had arrived in the Mojave Wasteland, and he was entering his 30's. Now with decades of medical experience, he was a trusted doctor for many. When the First Battle for Hoover Dam took place, Charles volunteered to help treat civilians wounded in Boulder City, and he would remain here until 2280, before moving on to New Vegas. With tension at an all time high entering 2281, Charles would spend his days treating the poor and sick in the City's outer areas, and would regularly volunteer at the New Vegas Clinic. His time there would change him drastically, as he would pour himself into the implants and cybernetics that the clinic offered. Spending months on end working on these implants, Charles gained intimate knowledge of them, eventually reverse engineering them entirely by the start of the Second Battle for Hoover Dam.   When the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave was founded, Charles was among the first wave of entrepeneurs to start new businesses in the new outer Districts of Vegas. Founding Medico, a company designed to produce medicine, cybernetics, and implants, his company would supply the Vegas Hospital, Mojave Military, and every wasteland doctor in the Southwest. During these years, in his spare time, he would volunteer at the hospital, and invent several new implants when not taking care of patients.
Year of Birth
2243 AD 57 Years old
Cybernetic Blue, Cross Pupils
Greying Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, wrinkled
5' 11"
145 lbs.
Aligned Organization


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