Mojave Military

The Military of the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave, is the most advanced military in the known world. Combining Various human elements with air power and the deadly Securitron mk III's, it was a force defined and designed in the heat of battle.   The Mojave Military was born out of the Securitron Army that belonged to Robert House, after his death, the Courier seized control of all his assets, including these robots. Despite their success in the Second Battle for Hoover Dam, the courier wanted a human element within the army as well. The idea of only robots seemed like a poor way for a nation defend itself long term, despite their power, he needed a force more flexible. The First step was the Mojave Rangers, replacing the NCR Rangers, then by the time of the Raider War it included air crews, human officers, and power armor troops. By the end of the Vegas-Legion War it would include human infantry, urban specialists, and even Spec Ops squads.    As of the turn of the century the Vegas Military is a vast, professional army, with its own doctrines, training, and theaters of operations. There now remained only one objective, testing this new force, and the cards were still very much unplayed. The New California Republic hopes to have it join its fight against Caesar's Legion, but relations with the Legion have begun to smooth over thanks to diplomacy, so there remains the chance that the dice of Vegas may roll west. Regardless of the direction, The industrial power and war machine that lie in wait will no doubt be the deciding factor in the fate of the Southwest.


The Military's Structure is a combination of human troops and automated systems Split between the Army and Air Army. Commanding all of them is the Courier, who is the Commander in Chief of all the armed forces.  
  The Army concerns itself with all forms of combat and has specific ranks and organizations for dealing with particualr situations and responsibilities. In order they are:   Private- Standard infantry of the army responible for carryingout all combat measures and orders, enlists for four years, basic training is done at nearest fort of enlisting, training takes one year, salary is 45,000 caps.   Second- A private who reenlists is promoted to this rank, has no real difference in responsibilites, but comes with seniority and designation of replacement for lost sergeant, salary is 50,000 caps.   Sergeant- Commander of a squad, responsible for their safety and actions, directs them in battle, chosen from Seconds at the end of their term, salary is 60,000 caps.   Major- Commander of a detachment, responsible for commanding them in battle and relaying orders to troops, chosen from sergeants, salary is 80,000 caps.   Commander- Leads an army group or a military base, responsible for swaths of territory or a frontline, promted from Majors, salary is 100,000 caps.   Field Marshall- The Field Marshall is the head of the Army, takes goals from the Courier, forms them into objectives and broad battle plans for commanders to refine and execute, salary is 200,000 caps.   Engineer- Engineers are the troops who maintain power armor and securitrons, as well as build and maintain the bases themselves. They are also responsible for building fortifications and bridges, salary is 40,000 caps   Specialist- Specialists are troops with specific trades, cooks, armorers, radiomen, and requisitioners fall into this category. Salary is 47,000 caps.   The Army's different units are as follows:   Securitrons  
Securitrons are the main troops of the Army. With one carbon-hex wheel as its main mode of transportation, they are constructed with titanium/Saturnite alloy plates, and hardened internal electronic systems, with a 1/2 mile sensor radius, able to discern humans from wildlife and robots. Standing at a standard 7ft tall and 5 feet wide, these robots are considered the second most lethal bot ever, right behind the feared Sentry Bot. Armed with a 12.7mm submachine gun, a gatling laser, two panels of MIRV missile barrages, a 50mm grenade launcher, and an onboard repair suite to keep systems functioning, these bots each carry the strength of a company of human troops. They are often used as mobile artillery before offensives.   Armored Infantry  
Armored Infantry units are troops clad in X-02 Power Armor, usually armed with Miniguns, Gatling Lasers, and Flamers. They are used primarily for shock and awe, breaking lines, and destroying hardpoints.       Infantry  
  Regular Infantry Units are a supplement to the Securitron forces, meant to be used in desert areas where the bots might be to bulky to reach. Armored with Saturnite Polymer armor, desert camoflage, and the M23, they are far superior to their NCR equivalents in terms of equipment and training, but are in far smaller numbers.   Urban Infantry  
Urban Infantry are soldiers trained specifically to fight in urban environments, ruins, and specialize in close quarters combat. They were designed specifically to go where Securitrons could not reach, and where the slower moving Armored troops would be surrounded.   Special Operations
The Spec Ops group has never been used, according to record it does not exist.   Organization/Structure   Squad- Five troops of any kind   Detachment- 40 Squads/200 units. Comprised of 100 Securitrons, 40 Infantry, 40 Urban Infantry, and 20 Armored Troops. Usually numbered.   Army Group- Multiple Detachments together as part of a larger theater of war, usually lettered.       The Air Army concerns itself with Bombing, aerial reconnaissance, air support, and troop deployment.   Crewman- Crewmen are enlisted members of the Air Army that handle all ordinary responsibilities on a base. This includes cooking, base maintenance, and air control crew. Salary is 35,000 caps.   Airman- Airmen are the lowest rank of crew that serves aboard an aircraft, for Vertibirds these are gunners, for the bomber these are the gunners, bombadier, and the navigator. Salary is 45,000 caps.   Flight Lieutenant- Flight Lieutenants are the Co-Pilot, or second in command, of any given aircraft. Salary is 60,000 caps.   Flight Captain- Flight captain is the pilot and commanding officer of any aircraft. Salary is 75,000 caps.   Flight Commander- Flight Commanders are the leading commanders of air bases, and all personnel within. Salary is 100,000 caps.   Air Marshall- The Air Marshall is the head of the Air Army, takes goals from the Courier, forms them into objectives and broad battle plans for flight commanders to refine and execute, salary is 200,000 caps.   Engineer- Engineers are the crewman who specifically take care of maintainence on the aircrafts while they are in their hangars. Salary is 40,000 caps.   Specialists- Specialists are Crewman specifically trained to handle all munitions and ordinance for aircrafts. Salary is 42,000 caps.   The Air Army does not have detachments or squads like the Army, instead all base crew are separated by job, and air crews are organized based on their crews, with two airmen, a Flight Lieutenant, and a Flight Captain. The Bomber has 3 crews, who each have an 8 hour on-call shift, or 12 hour, if one crew is on leave. Bomber crews are made of 6 Airmen, a flight Lieutenant, and a Flight Captain.


The culture of the Armed Forces is far more formal than the NCR. The main reason is what happens when troops are on leave, as Casinos have discounts for military members, and there is no entrance check for funds either. The result was a lot of rowdy soldiers in fine establishments, just like there was under NCR. In order to change this, and hopefully encourage more mellow leaves, the Military instituted dress uniforms known as Dress Blues, and Service Uniform Dress, or SUDs as they have begun to be called, for when on base. Blues must be worn when on any weekend or single day leave, or for any formal occasions.  
Vegas Blues, designed after high class suit vests  
SUDs with a utility belt    
Unique Air Blues with Leather Jacket. This was included with Air Army crews to honor the Boomer Legacy. While Air Crew SUDs are far different than Army or Ground Crew, due to the cold tempatures at high altitude, this include insulated jumpsuits, leather gloves, cold weather boots, bomber jackets, and beanies.   Awards  
Liberty Cross is awarded for heroism in battle, highest award in the Military.  
Silver Arrow is awarded to Infantrymen who have seen combat.  
The Golden Wings are awarded to airmen who have flown combat missions.


The Armed Forces have a large amount of assets, a stark contrast to their NCR counterpart, which struggles with supplies and logistics greatly. Lead from Goodsprings and brass from Castelli Family copper and zinc mines provide munitions. Satrunite and Titanium from the New Vegas foundries and frontier mines. Stealth and reconnaissance technology is provided from Shade Systems, and power armor is provided by Hitech Industries. Food is grown from various massive farms and homesteads across the Mojave. All of these supplies are moved via train and Air, rapidlyto wherever they need to go.   In terms of military assets, the Armed Forces have 450 detachments. This totals out to 18,000 Infantry, 18,000 Urban Infantry, 9,000 Power Armor Troops, and 45,000 Securitrons. The Air Army has 224 airmen, 50 vertibirds and 1 bomber. Adding in all of the crewman, engineers and specialists, the Mojave Military has over 100,000 active troops, both living and robotic.

Freedom for All, No Exceptions

Founding Date
Military, Armed Forces
Alternative Names
Vegas Army, FEZA, the Military
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization


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