Caesar Aurelius

Caesar Aurelius , of Phoenix

Caesar Aurelius is the current dictator of Caesar's Legion, ruling from the capital of Flagstaff as of 2300.   Born in the ruins of Phoenix, Aurelius was integrated into the Legion when Caesar led it in a pacification of the Region. Aurelius quickly proved his mettle, becoming a Decanus, and eventually a Centurion, at only 24. Demonstrating incredible brutality, especially when disposing of New California Republic troops, Aurelius became a favorite of Caesar, and was eventually chosen for a very special mission. In 2280, after the failure of the First Battle for Hoover Dam, Aurelius was chosen to gain the first beachhead in the Mojave Wasteland. Following the sabotage of Camp Searchlight, Aurelius quickly chose Cottonwood Cove, due to its proximity to the hazard sight, with the NCR pulling out of the area, it was a prime target, despite already being defended. Taking his century, Aurelius crossed the river in broad daylight, using ferocity and speed to overrun the already packing enemy. Despite attacking a force four times his size (400 NCR Troopers and a squad of rangers) Aurelius slaughtered them to a man, and suffered only ten casualties, further cementing Caesar's favor. Following this victory, Cottonwood would eventually be used as the point where all legion raiding parties would disembark from. Confident in his momentum, Aurelius asked permission to seize the weak point of Nelson, Caesar granted him permission, but ordered him not to overextend by attacking Camp Forlorn Hope. Sending his prime Decanus, Dead Sea, on the offensive, they once again caught the NCR by surprise, this time setting up defenses. Again outnumbered with only twenty men, Dead Sea executed his orders perfectly, seizing the town, and crucifying the survivors, earning him and Aurelius even more fame.   When the Second Battle for Hoover Dam started in December of 2281, Aurelius dispatched squads to seize the surrounding Ranger Bases, and they succeeded quickly, but it was pointless. Only the following day did he learn of Caesar's death, and Legate Lanius's retreat back into Arizona. Holding his ground, Aurelius defied the new Free Economic Zone of the Mojave bitterly. Reportedly, Aurelius mourned the death of Dead Sea when Nelson was liberated two weeks later. Finally, on January 28th, the Securitron army arrived in Cottonwood Cove, and Aurelius chose to fight. To his credit, he held for two days, before Lanius ordered him to retreat. This was the last order Lanius ever gave, as when the Legate arrived in Flagstaff in early February, the Praetorian Guard had him ripped apart, and each piece nailed to a different cross, for failing to avenge Caesar.   Aurelius arrived back in Arizona to a fractured Legion, the other Legates were embroiled in civil war after Lanius died, due to their being no clear line of succession. Aurelius and his veterans entered the fray, and began winning the day. By the end of the year his troops had raised him on a shield to the rank of Legate, and he had control over most of Arizona, all that was left was retaking the border lands. When he had done so, he marched into Oklahoma in 2293, to meet Indolus, the last of the old Legates, and determine his allegiance. Indolus proved loyal, and Aurelius was proclaimed Caesar Aurelius, with Indolus as his Prime Legate. The two entered Flagstaff, and were welcomed as heroes, having ended the Civil War, the Praetorian Guard determined him indeed to be the strongest, and thus, truly Caesar. They both immediately began consolidating their nation, and transitioning the Legion from a roving warband, into a stable nation, like Caesar I had always intended.   When all was said and done, Caesar's Legion was a proper Empire, and Flagstaff had truly become a city of marble. Only then did he give the order for Indolus to finally crush the NCR. And his Legate set out in earnest. On the morning of August 7th, 2299, Caesar Aurelius awoke to the news that Indolus had seized the western bank of the Colorado River, he had kicked in the front door of the NCR, finally.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Aurelius is well built in an athletic way, with a lifetime spent performing various manual duties and conflicts.

Body Features

Several scars show battles of past, across the arms, legs and face.

Facial Features

A unique form of facial hair is worn by Caesar Auelius, like waves or shark fins, rolling down from the sideburns.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Caesar Aurelius is a brutal, confident, and intelligent man. Like his predecessor, his is also prideful, but not to the egotistical extent of Caesar. Unlike Caesar, Aurelius grew up in the Legion, and thus truly believes in the nation, rather than the ego built around it. Where tantrums occurred during defeats before, now there is calm punishment, never beyond what is needed. Where there was extravagance and myth, there is now cold, hard experience, leadership, and understanding of how the Legion functions from the roots up. In the words of NCR President Lucinda Bailey: "Aurelius is young, but battle tested, both as a soldier and a leader. I think we were better off with Ol' Baldie..."

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Aurelius is prideful, and has been known to punish those who doubt his victories or honor.
Current Location
Year of Birth
2257 AD 43 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Caucasian, Tan
190 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Latin and English.
Ruled Locations


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