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Erina is located in the south of Fennengath. It is west of Durtalbachland, east of Tigue, and south of Yangjuguk.   Erinia's capital, the thrice-walled city of Allume, has a population of about 21,000 people. It is centrally located within the country, upon a large hill near the banks of the Rouvene River.   The second largest city is Caen, a port town which houses both of the Empire's military academies. The city's population is about 13,000, not counting the fluctuating military presence. Caen straddles both sides of the Rouvene.


Dwarf: 3%   Elf: 9%   Human: 51%   Mixed Race: 22%   Orc: 5%   Remaining 10%: Other Races   Centaur, Genasi, Gnome, Goliath, Halfling, Tiefling, and Yuan-ti are the most common among the other races present in Erinia. Genasi, Gnomish, and Tiefling populations are mostly centered in Allume and Caen, while Yuan-ti rarely leave the Tandielen Archipelago. Centaurs and Goliath tribes, much like the Orcish populations, fluctuate and are mostly nomadic, though many without familial ties join the Erinian military, and some tribes are occasionally hired on as mercenary forces. Most Halflings are farmers in rural areas, primarily within the contested foothills along the southern border.


Erinia calls itself a Theocratic Empire. The Emperor or Empress chooses their heir from amongst their own children, or sometimes nieces and nephews if they have no children of their own, or if their children have somehow disappointed them. This has led to intense competition within the royal family.   The Emperor's council has twelve members. Each temple of the seven grand deities, as well as the Temple of Balance, sends one priest or priestess to court to serve on this council, except for the temple of Zinaed, which sends three. The remaining two council seats are filled by the Grand Admiral of the Erinian Navy and the Grand General of the Erinian Army.   The council not only advises the Emperor, but also serves as the highest judicial and legislative body in the Empire. The Emperor has veto power over the council's decisions, but isn't often a part of the decision making process. Emperor Zinaeus II has used this veto power only once, when the council attempted to pass a law restricting royal marriages. The new law would have required members of the royal family to marry citizens of the Empire. He was at the time betrothed to Vanessa Hass, a noblewoman from Hasbachland.

Industry & Trade

Erinia is most well known for their shipbuilding, as well as their military and naval strength. Their largest exports outside of ships, weaponry, and mercenaries are ore and gems.


During the first age of Fennengath, Erinia was often at war. There isn't a single nation in Fennengath that Erinia hasn't gone to war with. Most politicians and scholars across the continent agree that the recent annexation of Tigue was shameful. Still, few foreign merchants have stopped trading with Erinia, especially now that Erinia has control of Tigue's resources.   Durtalbachland still celebrates their own mostly successful victory against an attempted annexation by Erinia during the the First Age, nearly a century ago, and have not engaged in trade with Erinia since. Erinia won the Tandielen archipelago during that war with Durtalbachland.   Erinia was not always considered an Empire. Until the northern mountains were stolen from Yangjuguk near the end of the First Age, Erinia was simply a Kingdom. However, after taking land from neighboring countries, the first King of the Second Age declared himself the Emperor. Since then, the country has been ruled by Emperors and Empresses of the same Lotharescu dynasty.   In 895 AT, Emperor Zephyrinus III ordered an attack on An'alem and the Tiguish royal family. In the aftermath of said attack, he declared that the neighboring nation of Tigue was now a vassal state of Erinia, to be slowly integrated into the Empire.   In 896 AT, Emperor Zinaeus II was crowned after the sudden death of his uncle Zephyrinus III. Zinaeus II, the first born son of Zephyrinus's younger sister Princess Zora, had been his uncle's heir since birth. Zinaeus II married his wife, Empress Vanessa Hass of Hasbachland during the Baelfyr festival in Allume in 896 AT, less than a month after his coronation. Until Zinaeus II and his wife produce heirs of their own, he current heir is his younger brother, Prince Zalmon, with his younger sister Princess Zella next in line.


Erinia is known for its many temples. Allume and Caen in particular are said to have some of the most beautiful temples on the continent, and these temples are pilgrimage sites for many devout worshipers of the gods.   Any Erinian settlement large enough to have a temple must, by law, build a temple to Zinaed before they are allowed to erect temples to any other deities. Many foreigners who travel to Erinia for the first time are surprised by the underrepresentation of Nilam in Erinian religious ceremonies. All churches, however, have close ties to the Erinian royal family.


The borders with both Tigue and Yangjuguk are contested. The Tiguish border has changed often throughout the 9th century. The Yangjugukin border is mountainous. Those mountains, however, are low and have wide valleys that are easy to pass. The border with Durtalbachland is also mountainous, but the Haren Mountain Range is tall, jagged, and nearly impossible to pass, making the border constant.   Much of the Erinian countryside is flat plainlands, though almost all of the cities, towns, and forts that dot the nation are built upon hills. Much of the land outside of the cities is hot savannah.
Founding Date
The Tempest
National Territory
Approximately 2,000,000
Inhabitant Demonym
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