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Dunwichia the easternmost nation in Fennengath and reaches farther south than any of the other nations. It is east of Durtalbachland, and south of Hasbachland.     The lands that make up Dunwichia are vast; a concord of city-states on a large peninsula of mostly desert landscape. While there are a few river valleys, semi-tropical islands, and other fertile areas, the majority of the peninsula is near-inhospitable. Most of the country’s population lives within the cities or on the islands off the coast. The desert is not entirely uninhabited, however, as there are several small villages along the roads, as well as nomadic and semi-nomadic peoples who live off-road. However, most people who live outside the city-states are still in some way affiliated with, or under the protection of, at least one city.   There is no true capital in Dunwichia. The nation is instead a union of city-states which are closely knit, most of which were founded by ships that either came from the same homeland or had crews who spoke the same language as those of the other wrecked vessels. Because of this connection, there is a shared culture amongst many who live in the region. But the climate is harsh, so anyone who chooses to stay in Dunwichia is considered just as much a Child of the Sun as those who can trace their lineage back to those who first crashed upon the sandy shores during The Tempest.   The seven city-states are Adaircourt, Caldcourt, Dunwich, Ramscourt, Sudcourt, Wraycourt, and Corhext. While Corhext is not the largest or most populated of the city-states, it is often considered a de facto capital by many Dunwichians. It is the most centrally located, was built upon the ruins of a pre-Tempest civilization, and has become a major trading hub within the region. All roads lead from Corhext to the other cities, like the spokes of a wheel, while no roads on land connect the other cities to each other. Because of pirate activity in the area, it is often safer and faster to travel through Corhext and the desert than to take a ship between the other city-states.   At the beginning of the First Age of Fennengath, there were several small wars between the city-states, each one vying for control over the region. However, by the end of the second century the nation had unified into The Dunwichian Concord. Historical accounts of the earliest years of the First Age are not always clear, and some modern scholars consider them little more than legend. Still, many writings from that period give the ruling family of Corhext credit for bringing peace to the region, though the methods they used to achieve those treaties vary from author to author.


Dragonborn: 7%   Dwarf: 6%   Elf: 5%   Human: 47%   Mixed-Race: 22%   Orc: 5%   Tiefling: 2%   Remaining 5%: Other    Aarakocra, Centaur, Genasi, Gnomes, Tabaxi, Triton, and Yuan-ti make up the majority of this remaining 5%. Most Aarakocra live in remote mountain villages along the Skoldpadden . Nearly all Dunwichian centaurs are nomadic. Genasi seem to be born to non-Genasi parents at a higher rate in Dunwichia than in other parts of the continent, with Wraycourt having the highest population density of Genasi on the continent, though they only make up up less than 1% of the total population of the nation. Tabaxi, Tritons, and Yuan-ti mostly live on the coastal islands, but are occasionally seen within the cities as well. Members of other races are also citizens of Dunwichia, but do not make up a significant number of the population to be mentioned.   Also worth noting, most of the Tortles on the continent are born on Dunwichia's coastal islands or in the Tandielen Archipelago. However, as most Tortles are wanderers who don't stay in any location for long, few are counted in any nations' census.


While each city-state has a ruling family, the leader of each family is called the city's Governor. When a city is the current ruling city of the nation, their Governor is referred to by the whole nation as The Crown. There is, indeed, a physical crown that travels from one Governor to the next as part of a ceremony that takes place when the leadership shifts, though few Governors actually wear it.   In order to maintain a peaceful balance between the city-states, the leadership of the country rotates from one city-state to the next every year during Hivercrest. Each city's Governor has their own council of appointed and elected officials. That council is called to sit monthly, and each Governor sends a letter to the current Crown of the nation making suggestions or asking favors. When a Crown wishes to make any major change, they must consult not only their small council but also other cities' Governors, though the final decision lays with The Crown alone.

Industry & Trade

Dunwichia is known both for the unique fashions and cuisines that have developed there, as well as its two universities, and exports of spices, coffee, tea, cocoa, gems, and arcane artifacts.

Points of interest

Dunwichia is known as a center of learning. Corhext and Adaircourt both have universities that attract students from across the continent. The university in Corhext is considered by most the be the greatest school of higher learning on the continent. Corhext also has the oldest still-functioning library in Fennengath.
Founding Date
The Tempest
National Territory
Approximately 600,000
Inhabitant Demonym
Dunwichian / Children of the Sun
Location under

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