Absalom Mint Building / Landmark in Golarion | World Anvil
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Absalom Mint

In the shadow of Azlanti Keep sits a nearly windowless stone fortress featuring only two entrances and several chimneys. Inside, the coinage of Absalom is created, tracked, taxed, distributed, and destroyed. Scion Lord Kerkis of House Damaq, lord exchequer of the Absalom Mint and head of the Office of Taxation, oversees this process to ensure the commerce of Absalom—and in his opinion, the entire Inner Sea—continues to function.
The Mint has two entrances and several chimneys that billow with smoke from the metals smelted within. The Office of Taxation, located in the east wing, is where tax collectors and their armed Precious Guard escorts deposit their collections and records. The coins are then evaluated to either be stored in deep underground vaults if in good condition, or sent to the west wing if damaged, defaced, or badly tarnished. The east wing also stores records for registered businesses and their tax histories.
The west wing is dedicated to the smelting, weighing, and pressing of new currency, which often involves the destruction and reuse of old currency. Every copper penny, silver weight, gold measure, and platinum sphinx in circulation was created in this building sometime within the last 3,600 years. The dies used to stamp the coins are kept under multiple layers of security, both magical and mundane.
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