Palace of Thirteen Spires Building / Landmark in Golarion | World Anvil
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Palace of Thirteen Spires

This small but opulent palace features four wings, each decorated in a unique style: Chelaxian, Taldan, Osirian, and Minkaian. For most of the year this stylish manor is available for rent by visiting merchants, nobles, and the extremely wealthy—the White Grotto maintains the contract for the building’s magical servants and other arcane amenities, something the Arcanamirium still resents. The Wise Council manages and maintains access to the palace and often rents individual towers out for months at a time.
These rental agreements pay for upkeep on the palace and usually turn a small profit for the district, which in turn pays for special scholarships and district improvement programs. When a head of state visits Absalom, however, the palace’s residents are immediately evicted to allow the dignitary to stay in lodgings befitting their station. The Grand Council pays a premium to host foreign royalty, which the Wise Council in turn uses to fund special projects throughout the district.
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