Scrivener’s Square Building / Landmark in Golarion | World Anvil
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Scrivener’s Square

Most of Absalom’s broadsheet publishers and print operations center around Scriveners’ Square, a large public square not far from the Grand Council Hall. An enormous public fountain locals call the Inkwell stands at the center of the square, thronged with shouting newspaper touts, barking shoony newsboys, and the arguments of deeply invested political partisans bickering over the freshest bits of news. Off-duty clerks, household servants collecting papers for their masters, and ambitious young journalists throng the square, especially in the early morning and in the late afternoon, when most editions traditionally release.
From the Inkwell, a dedicated newshound can get an almost complete view of Absalom’s thriving print industry, simply by turning around in a circle. The ancient buildings ringing the square, once home to legions of hunched-over scribes transcribing the decrees of the Grand Council by hand for distribution throughout the city and beyond, now clatter with the sound of thundering printing presses churning out the latest editions. From here one can see the offices of the Sennight Star, Anon & Afar, Mother’s Message, Ear to the Inner Sea, and at least a dozen more. It’s the best place to quickly collect the latest news, even if the biases of those peddling the tale aren’t always immediately clear.
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