Temple of Sivanah Building / Landmark in Golarion | World Anvil
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Temple of Sivanah

This small temple to the goddess of mysteries, illusions, and reflection primarily serves Arcanamirium students. The temple’s exterior features smooth stone walls and a domed roof, but its interior and exterior colors and patterns subtly change each day; after a week, its appearance has completely transformed. Frequent visitors often attempt to track the changes and anticipate what the new patterns will reveal. Long-time worshippers and residents of the Wise Quarter also claim that the temple’s broader aesthetic and architecture change over time, albeit at a much slower rate.
The Wise Quarter temple is associated with its equivalent near the Petal District’s College of Mysteries, and they share the same priests. Students of both academies dream up wild theories for why both temples are located so close to powerful institutions of learning, with the most popular suggesting that magical pathways connect the two as part of a broader ritualistic plot to infiltrate the famous magical colleges’ student bodies. Another posits that the two buildings are a magical antithesis to each other in balancing some grand esoteric equation.
Temple / Church
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Healing for Mysteries

Sivanah’s faithful point out that everyone in Absalom offers prayers to her whenever they confront a mystery or riddle in their lives. Absalom certainly has more than its fair share of mysteries and riddles, and the faithful of Sivanah are always eager to hear from adventurers who have discovered or solved a new mystery. Often, in exchange for a well-told tale or revelation of a mystery the church hadn’t realized existed, clerics of the Temple of Sivanah offer free healing and other spellcasting services in thanks.

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