Blakros Museum Building / Landmark in Golarion | World Anvil
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Blakros Museum

The Blakros Museum is the most famous museum in Absalom, though less for its eclectic collection than for being the site of nearly constant disasters. In the last decade, the museum has been invaded by the Shadow Plane multiple times, taken over by a Mwangi artifact, attacked by strange metallic golems, and haunted by its own exhibits. Though still popular enough to keep the doors open, many residents of Absalom avoid the place for fear of being attacked by one of the displays or otherwise cursed. The Learned Guard fully refuses to intervene in any disturbances at the museum in favor of creating a perimeter to simply contain the chaos.
Nigel Aldain, the museum’s beleaguered curator, often relies on his contacts at the Pathfinder Society to help him with the many hardships he’s faced over the years, all while insisting he doesn’t need their help. As a former Pathfinder agent, Nigel regrets having to rely on the Society for assistance due to some unknown disagreement with its leadership—though a long string of Pathfinder-led rescues has caused Nigel to thaw toward his former associates.
The wealthy and influential Blakros family (with the exception of Lady Dhrami, Nigel’s wife) live elsewhere, but the museum nonetheless remains the scene of many of the family’s greatest intrigues. The museum’s exhibit halls have hosted weddings, fraternal society gatherings, noble galas, and ornate feasts, all to further Blakros power and influence. 
Scholars who study the Blakros Museum’s many tragic incidents point back to the building’s origins. Ralzeros the Overwatched, an astrologer and wizard, built it as a stronghold and laboratory and allegedly used an artifact called the shadow obelisk to carve the squat ugly building out of a single mass of volcanic basalt. He also installed complicated observation equipment to study distant worlds, and some say he gained their attention in return. He disappeared after a duel with his rival, the archmage Beldrin, and the building sat abandoned for centuries before being purchased by the Blakros family.
In 4714 AR, Nigel used the shadow obelisk to create a pocket of malleable extradimensional space inside the museum through shadow magic, which he uses to rearrange the museum for each new exhibit and provide a larger interior than the exterior. The result has created a more open and pleasant feel to the museum, which has somewhat increased ticket sales.
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