Advisor Rank/Title in Greland | World Anvil


The position of Advisor is one of several Council positions common at every level throughout The Kingdom of Somercrag. They are responsible for advising their Lord/Lady on academic issues and gathering information for them.   Naturally, ths position is most commonly held by a Spire Advisor. In those situations where a council is unable to meet the terms of The Spire's Arrangement, it may be filled by anyone, though of course as the role involves a great deal of reading, it is usually limited to those of noble birth.   The Advisor rarely has need to call on their liege's authority, as they are rarely acting, though they can call upon it to gain access to locations or documents. Again, as many Advisors are affiliated with The Spire, they can already expect unrestricted access to any information they should need.  

Council Actions

Each month the Advisor may be directed to take one of the following actions. Bolded actions require the Advisor's presence for the month, making them unavailable for any other duties.
  • Research - The Advisor spends the month producing a report on one topic, target, area, etc to the council. They take an Advisor skill check against the Scheme Defence of the target (if any), or any other relevant difficulty, with the resulting report being influenced by the success or failure of this check. For some rare or difficult to research topics this may require the Advisor's absence whilst they are researching.

  • Tutor - The Advisor spends the month advising a specific member of the council, or another character. Until the end of the next council session that character adds a number of b equal to the Advisor skill to all applicable checks. If the target is a child, they will also gain basic learning during this time - continuing this tutorship for prolonged periods will lead to a child becoming educated and may also have other effects.

  • Support Project - The Advisor can be attached to an Ongoing Project or Action carried out by another council member for the duration of that project or action (they must begin the Support Project action when that project or action begins). If the Advisor remains in support for the entire duration of the project or action they will provide the following benefits: The project or action has its Duration reduced by one month to a minimum of one month; if at least 2 Revenue are spent on the project each month, each month 1 Revenue is added to the council's Coffers. When supporting a bolded task, this action requires the Advisor to be absent for the month.

  • Training (Academic) - The Advisor spends the month training an individual's knowledge skills. At the end of the month they take an Advisor skill vs the target's Intellect. If they fail nothing happens, if they succeed the target gains a new Knowledge Skill that the Advisor and/or the resources they have access to could conceivably confer. For each additional s or every aa they may gain an additional Knowledge Skill or a rank in a related Skill. For each h they suffer 1 Strain.

  • Produce Manuscript - The Advisor spends the month compiling information and making progress toward a completed manuscript, which will eventually produce a finished document. When they begin the project they will agree with the DM a difficulty and a target total - starting from a base difficulty of d and a target total of 50. They take an Advisor skill check against the chosen difficulty. For each s and every aa they add one point to a cumulative score for the manuscript. Once this score reaches the agreed total the manuscript is complete.
    This Action can be taken in conjunction with any other Action, but unless that Action is Tutor or Training one of its d will be upgraded, and if they fail the project will lose progress for each f.
    If this Action is taken in conjunction with a Tutor or Training action they may spend a single s or aaa to have the target of the Tutor or Training Action also contribute to the project using their Intellect and any relevant skill.


Story Points
Military Units
Useful Lists


Player Characters

Lady Ophelia Foxworth-Hayford
Lady Terin Gaunt-Foxworth
ser Mattheo Foxworth
Colrin Blest
King Tyon I Cray
Sigrid Ashwood
ser Allon Stormborn
ser Odric Vortane
Lord Tylan Hewlett
ser Callor Perryn
ser Ashtin Phyrefenn
The War For The Foxworth Secession 454KS

Player Settlements

The Settlement Creation System
Settlement Management Sessions
Settlement Conquest
Greater Stallken


Player Councils

Anatomy of a Ruling Council
Royal Council
The Duchal Council of House Foxworth
The Council of Southbay
The Duchal Council of House Southbay
The Council of Greater Stallken



The Continent of Greland
The Kingdom of Hillhurst
The Kingdom of Rotheval
The Kingdom of Irogonie
The Lamas Plains
The Swamps of Baycotte
The Kingdom of Somercrag
The Foxworth Duchy
The Blackbar Duchy
The Skanler Duchy
The Gaunt Duchy
The Southbay Duchy
The City of Southbay
The Hayford Duchy
The Continent of Amoth

Notable Advisors

Characters or Houses Who Need A Spire Advisor
Christor Skanler
Derrock Phyrefenn
Emmelyne Deddings
House Amberrock of Amberrock
House Bailer of Tayach Dam
House Blackbar of Castle Blackbar
House Blackwood of Westlake
House Buckhaill of Tayach Dam
House Bullen
House Conklyn of The Clerewood
House Cromwell
House Demoke
House Epper of Rushwater
House Fallder of The Glade
House Flitch of The Conjunct
House Greydall of The Peak
House Hayford of Haycastle
House Hirston of Thirdhall
House Honn of Honn
House Lovell
House Ofield of Cardenfall
House Paege of The Catacomb
House Peake of Two Points
House Perales
House Percier of Quarrystone
House Percy
House Phyrefenn of Eastgate
House Quay of Cainfield
House Rebane of the Ilves
House Redthorn of Redwatch
House Silva
House Skanler of Farcastle
House Slaite of The Shale
House Stanley
House Tallman of Summerswind
House Tarre of Sentinel Point
House Winthrop of Hess Hall
Kaina Merlyn
Khailee Rok
Lady Arielle Lowblade
Lady Derinne Greydall
Lady Jaenis Skanler
Lady Lenila Redthorn-Errol
Lady Maeve Buckhaill
Lady Nalia Hewlett-Sawler
Lord Cason Blackmyre
Lord Croll Blackbar
Lord Nikol Rebane
Lord Sigbert Durbach
Lord Tylan Hewlett
Master Falk Fenwyck
Old Tesha Dalt
ser Alrah Queensmen
ser Carsen Prester
ser Cemali Amberrock
ser Dominic Winthrop
ser Elton Slaite
ser Mannrel Peake
ser Mavrock Malv
ser Natari Bailer
ser Soren Somercrag
The Gull Trading Company
The Jewelled Bird
The Karro Family


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