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Dark Elves

The Dark Elves or the Elva'Dra(The betrayed) as they call themselves are the decadents of those who sided with Mivna during the great civil war.  
They think us banished beneath the cold earth. But they are wrong, we remain here of our own will, for here we will cultivate the Strength! Needed to overthrow our traitorous cousins! THE STRENGHT! TO OVERTHROW THE DOMINION OF ALL THOSE WHO ABANDONED US IN OUR TIME OF NEED! Let the world know, that we will never forgiven it, for its great betrayal of justice, let it be known by our daggers, our magic and our poisons that we never have forgiven them.
— High Priestess Verisae of House Draggoth.
  The Dark Elves have been banished beneath the earth for over a thousand years, exiled for what they perceived a just cause. Alone have they struggled to survive and carve out a new home in the cold hard earth, by following the teachings of the mother goddess Mivna by her will and teachings have the Dark Elves not only survived but thrived. They may have changed as has the great mother, but they still view themselves as the true heirs to the Eternal Empire, it is their birth right to one day reclaim and rule the world. They have never forgotten the sting of defeat, the humiliation they have suffered not in all their years beneath the earth hidden from the eyes of the gods, do they still plot their vengeance, secret wars wagged beneath the moons light is waged daily in their eternal war to reclaim that which was taken from them. For that is the spirit of their people, it is the teachings of strength imparted by their struggle; that only by strength and by the will of the goddess can they survive, weakness and emotions have no room among the true heirs to the empire.  

Marked By failure

After the civil war and the Elva'Dra were pushed beneath the earth and driven out of their ancestral lands, did the Wicked gods of the Illuminar curse of their descendants. They would bear the mark of traitors, their skin turned grey as ash, dark as soot, their eyes would reflect their crimson deeds, so that all could and would recognize them as the foul Drow.   Though the Elva'Dra have come to view it as something to be proud of, indeed it shows that they were no the weak-willed fools who were deceived by Semalia. Some noble families have even been blessed with other obscure markings by the gods to mark them. These marks of shame have no turned to one of pride and strength for the chosen people of Mivna

Slavers and despoilers

Those that fled the long civil war, were not the farmers and cultivators of the old empire, the long war had turned them all into savage warriors without remorse, to build rebuild their lost pride and home they were quick to turn to others, and for as long as the Elva'Dra have existed have they been enslaving the lesser races to do that which is beneath them. Though it has been so long that many of the Elva'Dra now occupy roles their ancestors would never have dreamt of such as servants, brewers, smiths and artisans, the still retain a long and pride history as slavers and raiders.
Many of the Great Kars have grand bazaars, filled with stolen wares from all other world and slaves of a multitude of races, in order to suit the taste of every master within the bazaars, indeed the signs of wealth and splendor seen such places would leave one breathless if not the depravity of it all.

Inheritors of The Empire

The Elva'Dra view themselves as inheritors of the old empire, and though their weak cousins of the surface have almost seen that legacy destroyed the Elva'Dra still long for their day they can reclaim their lost domains of the surface.

A scattered people

The Defeat of the Elva'Dra saw them scattered across the known world and with no clear leadership left save their goddess, they were chased and scattered across the known world. Though their people have never unified since, and few of their kin are willing to submit to one another's rule, they are known to "peacefully" cooperate only by the will of the goddess and their burning hatred for all other lesser beings.   The Elva'Dra in the scouring have founded many different cities, they refer to as Kar, a Kar is minor kingdom in and of itself, for the Underdark is dangerous place and smaller settlements rarely last long. These Kars are incredibly isolated from one another, and those who can reach each other quickly become rivals until one maneges to best another and create a true Sabar(kingdom) such domains are difficult to maintain, but truely powerful Elva'Dra have carved out such domains for themselves and may name themselves Anahir(Tyrant).  

Hateful beings

Anger is a constant companion among the Elva'Dra. The emotion is considered both normal and inevitable, but the reaction to it falls in one of two camps. Some believe that anger itself is a tool: red-hot rage gives you strength to persevere over your foes. Others believe that anger should be cool and calculating: Hiding it will give you more opportunities to take vengeance. Most Elva'Dra borrow from both schools of thought as the situation demands, but none would argue about the outcome: revenge. Revenge is an art form among the Elvadra. It comes quickly or takes centuries. It can be long and excruciatingly painful, or painless and deadly swift. All drow appreciate a well-executed vengeance, even when they are the targets. There are as many flavors of revenge as there are Elva'Dra. Each Elva'Dra establishes a preferred style at an early age, using this as a kind of signature and warning to others. Some prefer to use the techniques of their enemies in order to place the blame on others, but this in turn becomes their own style, and Elva'Dra learn to look through such deceits to find the responsible party. For though they encourage such behavior, if they cannot get away with it, then it is just another potential rival that has been removed should they manage to find the culprit.

Home of the Ruthless


Breed for perfection

Elva'Dra noble houses and commoners are well known for their practice of breeding for talent, young house members rarely merry out of love, but for the scions they will produce, the greatest warriors of house joined to produce the next generation. Even when it comes to appearance do the Elva'Dra take into account, for to them they must achieve absolute perfection to stand before their goddess and reclaim their empire, and no means are beneath them in that attempt, and beauty is a weapon most deadly when dealing with the lesser creatures of the world.

Might Makes Right

Elva'Dra society does not allow for weakness, it does not allow for kindness, to move up in the world you must have the strength to hold unto it, for others will not play "fair". Elva'Dra hunger for wealth and power, but this hunger is greater than simple avarice. They see wealth as a means to power, and power as a means of control. Elva'Dra need control. They need to feel like they are the manipulators rather than the manipulated. Throughout their lives, Elva'Dra are trapped in a web of falsehood and treachery where each step could be their last. The strong rule over the weak and use or kill them at a whim. In such a turbulent and abusive environment, Elva'Dra see power and control as security. This is illusion, though, perpetuated by the fact that even those who have gained some measure of control are insecure but dare not admit it--and with good reason: Fear is viewed as weakness, and showing it turns erstwhile allies into deadly foes and servants into power-hungry murderers.

Harsh lives - Harsher people.

  All those who can thrive in such environments as the Elva'Dra must be have incredibly strength of mind and body, and all of the Elva'Dra seek to thrive. It is a culture that breeds killers, warriors and schemers, even the humblest of smith to the filthiest of tavern wench must know to kill their foes if they plan on "advancing" in their society and rest assured all Elva'Dra are always looking upwards towards the next obstacle, only stopping to secure their position from other rivals.

Cults of the Elva'Dra

The Elva'Dra have few truly unified organizations beyond that of the Mother Goddess, most religion is conducted through the isolated cults of the different cities. The power and influence of these cults varies greatly for each city.  

Cult of The Mother Goddess

Only the Cult of The Mother Goddess can claim any true unity beyond the boundaries of their respective cities. In fact it is only by the power of the cult that any true unity between the dreaded lords of the Elva'Dra can be reached, for the Elva'Dra only truly respect Mivna, and thus only her divine will and priestesses can truly command any unified efforts by their people.   These Cults have strict rules of membership, allowing women to join their ranks, as only they can truly embody the Mother goddess and her power.

Dailiac Cults

The Dailiac cults are as old as the great civil war, once a cult of noble warriors and defenders of friends and family. Now they have become warrior witches, little more than mercenary cults, they pledge their loyalty to any Anahir that can pay for their services. They are agents of discord spreading strife amongst rivals and ruin to other races wracking them terrible curses and afflictions before cutting them down.

Htarite Cults

Uniquely position, the Htarite cults have been welcomed with open arms in Elva'Dra lands, were in most other places these cults maintain great secrecy and mysticism, among the Elva'Dra they operate openly as a guild of assassins and murderers for such talents are always needed in these cutthroat lands.

Kanarite Cults

Though Kanar is among the earliest gods to join the ranks of Mivna, he is often ousted among the Elva'Dra for his priesthood is exclusively male, something quite ostracizing in an otherwise matriarchal society. His cults serve more as centers of learning for his forbidden arts of necromancy, something quite often employed by the Elva'Dra in battles, and is the one reason they are openly tolerated.

Caldiac Cults

Caliums cults though he opposed them during the cival war, they still respect the aspects he represents, and it is not uncommon that some dedicated themselves to him in their pursuit for power and dominance.

Cults of The Bloody Moon

The Elva'Dra still remember when Liraka was more than just a the goddess of secrets and pacts, they still remember the bloody moon, the laughing god of murder and they still pay homage to her. The Cults of the bloody moon are warriors supreme, fighting only for the chance to gather the bodies they so desire for their dark rituals, for these cults are expects in demonic pacts, for they have been allowed to glimpse her forbidden tomes, and they know the rites to bind the foul to their iron will. These cults are held in great esteem and none their slight them, for they are after all patrons to the god of secrets and what if they whispers theirs?

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Among the Elva'Dra females are usually both taller and stronger than their male counterparts, one of many boons granted by the Mother Goddess, with women also living substantially longer lives, than males. Though the woman are generally stronger even the males are noticeably more physically capable than their lesser cousins.

Genetics and Reproduction

Unlike the rest of their kin the Elva'Dra have been granted the boon of fertility by The Mother Goddess, thus the Elva'Dra are exceptionally fecund by elven standards and even by some other mortal races. Elva'Dra come of age around 30 years old, their cycles and chances of inception are quite similar to humans. Elva'Dra are usually born in litters of 2 to 4, in fact it is considered quite rare that only a single child is born, with such individuals usually being seen as marked for greatness.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Elva'Dra mature at the same rate as that humans, at least superficially, until they reach the age of around 20-30 where they seemingly seem to stop ageing, though there are signs if one knows where to look for it, their eyes grows darker with age, their ears grow slightly larger and more slated, their features become ever more sharp and refined.   Unlike the rest of their kin, the Elva'Dra do not witness the world of their ancestors, they are never allowed to see their Father, nor their motherbefore she was imprisoned, instead they suffer visions of the civil war, memories of the horrible atrocities committed against them, their unjust banishment and all that which they've lost during the war, the wail of their imprisoned mother. These acts of war that they witness help shape the them in their formative years, and often become something that most be mastered, lest the elf becomes lost in the memories of war and give into the savergy that resides within them all, with such souls being call Khlar-Khea , the Slaughter Damned.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Social structure of the Elva'Dra depends heavily on the which Kar they hail from, but in general it is safe to assume two things, it is matriarchal in nature, with many top positions being reserved for the superior sex, and to see men in positions of power, means that they are truly capable of navigating the political web, and are of incredible prowess.   Elva'Dra society is usually very hierarchical, with clear lines of authority and domains, how else would they show others they are beneath them, indeed the divide of power and the indication of power is incredibly important to the Elva'Dra. However this hierarchy is incredibly "flexible". Power is quick to shift in their society, for if one cannot protect their position from their rivals one can quickly expect a dagger in the back, indeed betrayal is a virtual art form among Elve'Dra, held as an ideal of the highest factor, a fact which continues to lead to the eventual downfall of the race as a whole. It shouldn't be surprising, taking this into account, that most drow tend to be paranoid. A certain amount of suspicion is a survival mechanism; even though a foe might not be acting against you now, one is certain to do so in the near future. Yet Elva'Dra who become too defensive lose their edge, becoming victims of their own fear.

Facial characteristics

Much like their surface kin, the Elva'Dra possess great beauty, their faces well define, but their features are much more rounded than their surface kin, their eyes posses the same slated and predatory gaze, their eyes generally a deep crimson, black or in rare cases white or blue.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Elva'Dra during their long banishment have grown incredibly accustomed to dark caverns of the underdark, all children of Goddess are blessed with enhanced perception for the faint light of the residual magic their kin can perceive. However this sensitivity also make their eyesight incredibly sensitive towards bright lights, leaving them completely blind in direct sunlight.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

The Elva'Dra breed for perfection, and to them even the slightest imperfection is damnable and improper stock. To the Elva'Dra each scar is a sign of weakness, a battle one did not have the ability to see through flawlessly, and thus even though they are martial culture it is not a sign of strength but weakness and thus quite ugly to behold.   The Elva'Dra clean themselves vigorously and expects all to maintain their bodies with the utmost respect, truly if a body is not at it's peak it is worthless, as it means you do not have the capacity necessary to truly become strong, if you do not have the capacity to take care of yourself.

Gender Ideals

Elva'Dra society is dominated by a Matriarchy, as such the more common ideals of many other races are inverted among them. Women are expected to be strong warriors or priestesses of their respective cults, they are meant to be leaders of their houses, to career oriented and to produce strong offspring.   While men are expected to be subservient towards their superior sex to raise the children to support their mistresses ambitions. Though in a culture of cutthroats such as this the men are just as scheming as their "wives" for even men are expected to strive for the best possible positions they can.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship is among the Elva'Dra is not really a concept they hold any stock in, among the great houses, people are married for the sole purpose of producing strong offspring, while lesser Elva'Dra attempt to seduce or kill their way to power. Love beyond it's purposes to secure power is generally seen as weak as it shows dependency on others.

Relationship Ideals

Elva'Dra believe in themselves because faith in others is foreign to them. They have always relied on their own wits and skills to survive, and they must continue to believe that they can, or they'll succumb to the depredations of other drow trying to scramble up the social ladder. Thereby deeper connection between two of their kin is rare, for treachery and lies are expected in Elva'Dra society, and a devastating betrayal is admired. Despite their sense of superiority, most Elva'Dra fear that other creatures will get the better of them somehow, and they are always on their guards.   Thereby relationship ideals among the Elva'Dra is rarely more than copulation and relief, there is always a level of suspicion between them, and true love is a rare gem among them, one that most be hidden to survive such a volatile life as theirs.  

Love and Lost

Given their tense and deadly society, it is surprising that lust plays any part in lives Elva'Dra, but lust and sex (consensual or not) are huge factors in Elva'Dra psychology. Sex plays many roles. It is a release of tension, a moment of closeness, and it staves off fear of inevitable death. Despite their long life spans, few drow can expect to die of old age, so procreation is a way to establish a kind of life beyond death. Sex is also one of the rare times when Elva'Dra can express a minor degree of tenderness for one another. It is not always tender, of course, but it offers pleasure in being weak or strong, and Elva'Dra involved in consensual sex often reverse their normal roles in society. Slaves can be masters, and masters, slaves. In this physical release, Elva'Dra come as close to happiness as most of them will ever get. Elva'Dra have no real understanding of monogamy. They have children to further their bloodline and House, and sometimes parents make an effort to protect a child, but both parents will likely have many partners and form it is rare for lasting relationship as the child grows to maturity.

Common Dress Code

The Elva'Dra are proud of their perfect forms, they revel in sensuality and the power that it can grant them. As such when in relaxed environments Elva'Dra dress code is extremely lax, often their clothes will reveal copious amounts of skin, meant to provoke reactions from each other to gauge possible attempts and the strength of others.

Common Taboos

There are very few obese Elva'Dra for amongst their kin it is consider taboo not to control one's own urges. This is not to say that drow do not engage in binge eating. They do so with great frequency, often holding or being privy to grand parties (at least the nobles). But being overweight or too obsessed with food is a weakness, and weakness is deadly. The same is true of alcohol consumption: It's simply too dangerous. This problem is skirted around by practices such as self-induced vomiting and various drugs or herbs to waylay the effects of alcohol consumption. Those few drow who blatantly live life as obese are in positions of great authority and power, which manages to keep most predators at bay, at least for a time.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Elva'Dra consider all other races and sentient life to be beneath them, they are cattle meant to serve their peers, for the Elves are the true owners of the world, and it is time the other races remember their place.
Though scars are generally seen as sines of weakness, ritualistic scaring as tattoos hold great significance among some houses, both as personal endearments given to some male members from a particular mistress or as signs that of one's pain threshold.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Elva'Dra, Drow, Elves
Males around 600 years, Females around 1200 years.
Average Height
6 to 7 feet, with females generally being a few inches taller.
Average Weight
around 150 pounds.
Average Physique
Though the Elva'Dra are still elves meaning their musculature is much more lean than other races, the Elva'Dra are on average very well build, their volatile lifestyle demands that they hone their bodies or perish.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Elva'Dra are often noted for their otherworldly appearance; Their skin tone usually ranges from and Ashen grey to a black as soot.


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