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~ Template Detection

digital, defence, detection


Lorem ipsum.


Detection is used to reveal hidden objects, secrets, etc. on a location or an enemy.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
0XSpace/Enemy, Range X

Identification Grid (Unique)

Unique to Asteroid Rover 1624 
digital, defence, detection


Expanding a wing-like array that allows for a local, sub-atomic scan, requires extreme computing power. While unable to identify anything on a macro level, it can gather the information seemingly necessary for the machine allowing instant teleportation.


Place a marker token on a space within range. There can be up to 3 marker tokens at once.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
01Space, Range 5

Multi-spectrum Sensor

digital, defence, detection


Utilizing machine learning, sensor data from multiple spectrums can be combined to reveal objects normally not easily detectable.


Locate all hidden objects in range. Choose 1 of them to identify with a SEN contest .

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
01Space, Range 2

Premonition Computation Array

digital, defence, detection


Utilizing sophisticated computers to predict enemy actions and movements.


CPU contest. If successful, GM has to confirm a selected enemy unit’s first action next turn within range.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
01Enemy, Range 5

Sampling Drill

digital, defence, detection


A low-speed diamond-tipped carbide drill bit, able to penetrate most material given time. Material received from the drill is then analysed for composition and storage.


Choose one of the following effects

  • The player can ask the GM a question about the location sampled. The GM will answer within reason.

  • CPU contest. If successful, +2 ARM on the next attack this turn.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
01Space, Range 1

Structure Analyser

digital, defence, detection


Scan target utilizing a series of sensors optimized for structural analysis. Able to detect weaknesses not visible through sight.


SEN contest. The next attack this turn has an advantage to the attacker.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
01Enemy, Range 5


~ Template Enhancement

digital, defence, enhancement


Lorem ipsum.


Enhancements can only be used on self and usually buffs.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
0XSelf/Ally, Range X

Auxiliary Alternator

digital, defence, enhancement


Most suits today are powered by inertial confinement fusion reactors . They are extremely efficient, eliminating energy problems on ships and ME Suits . A supplemental alternator can be added to this system that slightly reduces fuel efficiency but provides a temporary boost of power when needed.


Add 3 points to the next contest's result this turn.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget

Combat Drugs (Unique)

Unique to Experimental Scout, Mk. 0.156-TB 
digital, defence, enhancement


In the 21st century, armies were given amphetamine and a host of other drugs to help them focus on the battlefield. As technology advanced, the use of combat drugs has only become more common, and more dangerous. It is so effective that to the user, it feels like the drug has slowed down time.


In your next contest this turn, regardless of difficulty, toss a coin instead. If it is head, you win the contest.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget

Long Distance Laser Communication Antenna (Unique)

Unique to The Nergüi
digital, defence, enhancement


A retractable laser antenna dish that allows for both the sending and receiving of laser communication signals across relatively long distances.


Enable direct communication with other units even though this unit may not be on the map.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget

Sensor Sharing (Unique)

Unique to The Nergüi
digital, defence, enhancement


In water, soundwave is used for detection. In space, light is used instead. Combining images from a series of passive and active lidars, this array can produce accurate readings from extended distances sharable with other units within the battlefield.


When utilized, one SEN contest this turn has an advantage.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget


~ Template Mitigation

digital, defence, mitigation


Lorem ipsum.


Mitigation countermeasures can only affect self and remove external penalties.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget

Risk Assessment Suite

digital, defence, mitigation


A series of connected sensors, microcomputers and countermeasures to allow advanced warning and avoidance of environmental dangers.


Ignore the outcome of the next environmental effect.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget



~ Template Disruption

physical, defence, disruption


Lorem ipsum.


Place lorem ipsum token within range. Disruption countermeasures place a barrier/space that lasts a certain amount of time, and modifies projectiles passing through the object.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
0XSpace, Range X, Duration X

Lenz’s Metal Deflector (Unique)

Unique to Hover Hauler Model 3S 
physical, defence, disruption


By focusing electromagnetic waves into a cone shape, the trajectory of metallic objects can be deflected via Lenz’s law.


Follows the suit's movements.
Place deflector token onto the selected adjacent space. Deflect any kinetic kill or plasmoid projectiles it contacts in a selected direction.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
03Space, Duration 2

Mining Debris Shield (Unique)

Unique to Modified Plasma Miner Mark 3 
physical, defence, disruption


Expand a folded titanium alloy shield to block debris during space mining. An important piece of protective equipment is commonly found on miner suits.


Follows the suit's movements.
Place shield token onto a selected adjacent space. Collision with the shield is equivalent to collision with the suit itself. Any contests caused by collision with the shield has an advantage for the owner of the shield.
The shield might be undeployed at the player's turn without cost.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
01Space, Duration infinite

Nano Mirror Chaff

physical, defence, disruption


By distributing a nano-laminated micro mirror chaff through a launcher system, an effective screen against laser-based weapon can be created.


Place chaff token on a space within range. Stop any laser projectile passing through the space.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
01Space, Range 2, Duration 1

Plasma Blast Ports (Unique)

Unique to Quadrupedal Long Range Surveyer, Variant 146
physical, defence, disruption


When deployed, it outputs a thin layer of high-pressure plasma exhaust that vaporizes projectiles and diffracts laser. The heat output is so high that it often melts the surface of the suit it is protecting.


Follows the suit's movements.
Place deflector token onto the selected adjacent space. Removes small objects that come into contact and stop lasers that come into contact.
When the deflector token come into contact with a large objects both the player and the large object suffers 5 HEAT damage instead of damage caused by large object collision.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
03Space, Duration 1

RAM Chaff

physical, defence, disruption


Release a cloud of radiation-absorbent material chaff into an adjacent location. Able to disrupt homing of weapons.


Place chaff token on a space within range. When inside the space with the chaff, the unit itself cannot be targeted by weapons that target enemy, however, weapon targeting the space itself can still hit the unit.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
01Space, Range 2, Duration 1

Point Defence

~ Template Point Defence

physical, defence, point defence


Lorem ipsum.


Remove lorem ipsum within range. Point defence countermeasures take down a projectile within range, only usable on small objects.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
0XRange X

Laser Sweep

physical, defence, point defence


The advantage of a laser point defence is its ability to quickly switch between many targets. However, the limited amount of time a single target can be focused on results in its ineffectiveness against some projectiles.


Remove all kinetic kill projectiles within range.


G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
02Range 2

Micro Kinetic Kill Point Defence

physical, defence, point defence


A micro kinetic kill vehicle is one of the earliest forms of defence in space. Through high-speed impact, it can detonate warheads and shatter micro asteroids. In some cases, a well-placed KKV can even deflect a rail gun round.


Remove a small object of choice within range, except lasers, shields and other non-destructible small objects.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
01Range 2

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