Duchy of Moridale Settlement in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Duchy of Moridale

A mystery to many how the rich Duchy in contested territory has remained free from factional rule.

The "duke" has a knack for picking the correct side in a conflict and a master of playing one off against another - this has greatly contributed to Moridale remaining independent, to date.


The Duchy has a sprawling mixed population, most races are represented somehow among the population.

A very stratified society, serfdom is rife.


The Duke is the overall ruler of Moridale, he is supported by a loyal well paid private army.


Aside from the Duke's private army - which is fairly small, variously he has sell swords encamped in or around the Duchy and all citizens perform their civil duty in times of strife, willingly or otherwise.

To date, Moridale has seemed to be effectively defended.

Industry & Trade

Moridale has many and varied trade links with other interests in contested lands, the nearby Kingdom of Geldheim, the Hadovean Empire and, of course, Doomsayer's Keep.

Whilst this is mutually beneficial Moridale thrives.


A rich Duchy, rich in farmland, minerals and valuable metals.

Founding Date
180 AE
Location under
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank

Articles under Duchy of Moridale