
A medium sized township on the southern continent, it is ruled by a court of royals that left Port Promise once Tymora took the throne.  

Notable Locations

The Rooster's Loaf

A solid cobblestone building with a perfectly maintained straw roof. You notice a deer head mounted above the counter. This bakehouse is known for milling their own flour.

The Eagle and the Mistress

The Eagle and the Mistress, a huge ageing plaster inn with a planked roof that the locals know best for its wooden-chopping competition held weekly. The Eagle and the Mistress is just one huge, brightly lit hygienic room, with a small section of the hall cordoned off as the kitchen and bar area.  Off to the side is a spiral staircase, which you would assume leads up to the lodgings. The bar of the tavern has a fine lacquer and only a few mug scratches. A sea-captain often sets up shop at a table and is trying to sell mementos and souvenirs from his latest great voyage of exploration.  Birds, exotic coins, tiny mermaids, he has it all. Some of it looks fake though. A tiny bit looks disturbingly real.

The Copper and Sister 

The Copper and Sister and see that inside, the decently built cob blacksmith with a blue tiled roof is quite large. You can see that activity in The Copper and Sister is extremely busy.  The blacksmith is tidy, with a swept floor and things in some semblance of order. There are sheafs of paper on the bench, with hunks of metal neatly holding each stack down; clearly, they are specifications for different projects, and the materials needed for each of them.  There is a blacksmith currently unpacking a large crate that looks to be full of metal ingots of some sort. On the bench lies a short sword, and just by looking at it, you can tell that the blacksmith is extremely talented at his craft; this is a weapon clearly fit for a king


62% human, 15% Elven, 13% Blood-Tainted, 10% Other


Democratic Republic, ran by a small court of nobles passed down from the original founding nobles.


Mercenaries turned guards due to good pay. Skilled, but not the best of the best.

Industry & Trade

Largest export is food, mostly to Port Promise.


Large farmlands and docks leading into Lilypad Lake, dirt roads lead through the city.


A small town, but populated by a decent amount of royals. The population is fairly comfortable despite the infrastructure not being top notch.

Guilds and Factions

A farmer's union sticks together to keep their prices steady and live comfortably.


When Tymora assumed Queenship a large portion of the Royal court felt there was foul play, to avoid any conflict they fled the city together and formed Aminard along the coast of Lilypad Lake.


People often stop here while traveling along the southern coast, or around Lilypad Lake.


In plains and partially surrounded by a large lake.

Natural Resources

Fish, water and incredible soul.


  • Aminard
Founding Date
10th of Night, 330th Year
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization