The Pinnacle

The capital City of the Elves, ruled by the first and only leader Corellon. The city used to be far more populated but is still recovering from the Purity Wars.

Notable Locations

Theodus and Measured 

An alchemist shop, filled with pots and pans of mixtures that have already spilt over crowding the desk, with potions that are currently brewing strewn around the floor. There's little hope to walk through the shop without putting your boot in something that you probably would prefer not to put it in. The owner, Theodus Bush, is a young short elf with hair that is either singed black or naturally black, hard to say.

The Elixirium

An alchemist shop ran by Elixian and Elena Keylana, known for specializing in unique ingredients for potions that are hard to come by. The shop was originally built in Bengrex, but after suffering during Purity Wars they relocated. The building is small, but well organized and kept. Elena is typically the one found caring to the shop. She is quiet spoken but very kind, and seems to love the shop with earnest.

Soot and Sons

A smithy ran by Alyxa and her 3 Half Elf sons. The smithy is filthy, but organized, with smoke having blackened the walls and a thick layer of grime and dust coating every surface. The smell of various burnt woods, coals, and other things permeates the building, and boots leave visible footprints in the ash underfoot.

The Green

A large tree growing inside an overrun castle. The building is kept, but empty and mostly only used for old ceremonies.


87% Elven, 8% Half-Elven, 4% Human, 1% Other


Entirely ruled by Corellon


Strong outer walls. It is also rumored that the forest outside The Pinnacle helps defend there inhabitants.

Industry & Trade

Mostly exports via sea or to nearby cities.


Well paved roads, tall buildings, a working sewer system and strong outer walls.

Guilds and Factions

The elves are naturally paranoid people due to their history, as such plenty of underground entities exist within The Pinnacle.


One of the earliest settlements of the Prime Race. They took respite in the forest and found it protected them from the beasts and aberrations that plagued The Material Plane. Corellon quickly became their leader after braving the forests in the night to find appropriate places to encamp, proving himself to be the brave and fearless leader they needed in this new unfamiliar enviroment.


The Pinnicle is one of the most unique citiies on The Material Plane, and as such has a decent amount of tourism. A large number of Elfs make a trip here in their lifetime as it is the birthplace of their race.


The center of The Pinnacle is a large tree where the original keep holding the throne room was built. As time as past the building has been emptied and is now a historical building only used for celebration and referred to as "The Green" As the buildings spread outward from The Green and get larger and lose their 'in touch with nature' feeling as more efficient building methods were needed to house the exploding population of the city. Buildings on the outskirts of the pinnacle can be anywhere from 5-6 stories.


Built within a large forest

Natural Resources

Plenty of trees and magical plantlife


  • The Pinnacle
Founding Date
5th of Noon, 13th Year
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