
Notable Locations


A poorly made sandstone cathouse with a shabby red tiled roof. Inside, the large standstone building is somewhat messy, typically with lovers hanging on every wall. When people talk about Colossus, they say nothing much; a popular girl is with child. Apparently, it specializes in incredibly dominant women.Rumours abound in whorehouses, and Colossus is no different; apparently, the oldest patron, who visited the brothel every day for the last fifty years has died recently.   The Master is typically found spraying a copious amount of clean linens scented perfume, he is a rugged and grizzled tabaxi with fur so black it's almost purple in a certain light. His name is Gwyllam May, the Master of Colossus.

Over the River

A sandy rock building with a patchy straw roof. Inside, the cavernous rock building is surprisingly clean. It's filled with the sound of wood banging against wood echoing out from somewhere nearby. When people talk about Over the River, they say the usual stuff; a new girl is making a stir, someone got some mystery sickness and whose new husband is hanging out with the Rivers. Apparently, it specializes in being an all male brothel.

Eldritch Inhalations

An elaborately carved sandstone tower, each floor can be privately rented as a smoke room. The center column is a ventilation shaft that expels the smoke from the top of the tower, making it very easy to spot from anywhere within the city. The owner, a Fire Genasi named Lit, its often found smoking within the grounds, are chatting with the staff comprised of mostly tabaxi.


39% Tabaxi, 34% Elven, 15% Human, 6% Dwarven, 5% Blood-Tainted, 1% Other


The city is technically ruled by Nobanion, however a small group of trusted advisors technically rules the city in his (typically common) absence.


A strong set of walls around the city, and the citadel.

Industry & Trade

Mostly trades in sandstone, art, herbs and spices.


The city is built around an old sandstone quarry, and many of the buildings use the materials from it. Short sandstone structures are the majority.


The city was originally ran by a group of noble humans who ran a slave trade (Mostly Tabaxi) along with the quarry. During the Purity Wars the slaves began an uprising while the city was being sieged and overtook the city with the assistance of the elven militia. The leader of the rebellion was Nobanion and he continued to fight with the elven militia until the end of the Purity Wars, where he got his nickname the "Smoke of Death".


Kucsa is a popular tourist attraction due to it having a port and many cathouses and smoke houses. It's also a common distination for Tabaxi as it is considered the Cultural birth place of the tabaxi.


Sandstone structures and flat, sandy streets.


Flat, sandy, with a short coast.

Natural Resources



  • Kucsa
Founding Date
7th of Set, 109th Year
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Characters in Location