
A large city on the southern continent, ruled by The Queen of Ravens  

Notable Locations

The Winterwood Passing

The graveyard is on Tailor Drive. It is located on the site of a battle from long ago, and is unbelievably large, the rows of headstones stretch out farther than the eye can see. You enter the boneyard past a group of dying wisteria vines. It's mostly well-kempt, with the occasional bouquet of flowers laid on a gravestone. As you enter you notice a large black and white marbled statue of a tall bearded and grizzly looking man with a strong nose and hair pulled losely back into a short ponytail. He holds his arm out and a black raven is perched atop it

The Light Hydrangea

In Pappas alley there's a uniquely small building near the Winterwood Passing, the outside is littered with small clay pots filled with budding flowers and newly dead ones. On the inside you notice a framed collection of pinned grasshoppers hung up on the wall next to the counter. The owner, Cienna is a short tan woman with red hair with long bangs dozing off behind the counter.

Ryderus and Fizz

Ryderus and Fizz, a run down marble alchemist shop with various scorch marks on the outside. Looking around, Ryderus and Fizz must have had an explosion the day before; there is no other possible reason that a shop that deals with magical, often volatile chemicals would be so cluttered, crowded, and blatantly a danger to itself and the half-mile radius surrounding it. There are pots and pans of mixtures that have already spilt over crowding the desk, with potions that are currently brewing strewn around the floor. There's little hope to walk through the shop without putting your boot in something that you probably would prefer not to put it in.


79% Elves, 9% human, 5% Blood-Tainted, 7% Other


Absolute Monarchy

Industry & Trade

Main export is elven craftsmanship, as well as chunks of seemingly magic permafrost.


Strong exterior walls aided by the formation of ice-like barriers. The interior of the city is warmed by magical street lights that stay lit 24/7.

Guilds and Factions


It's said the Queen of Ravens was born in a terrible storm that lasted 50 days after her birth. Her parents were forced out of Sario and got lost in the storm that followed them. When they hit the coast they conceded and settled on the water. The town grew slowly and the storm grew to protect the city along with it.


Tourism is scarce for Ensmore, on account of the constant storm and icey tides.


Short ceilings and marbled buildings. the buildings are compact and build close together to keep heat.


What was once a large set of plains has since be terraformed into an icy and flat tundra.


  • Ensmore
Founding Date
13th of Set, 36th Year
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Characters in Location