
A large city on the eastern continent, ruled by The Moon King and The Royal Court of Uxfjord.

Notable Locations

The Fire and Friend, a General Store Owned by Hatae Dalanthan

On Butcher Street, there is a well built adobe shop with a thatched roof, the large building is somewhat messy. A small silver bell sits on the shop counter in case the shopkeeper is not around. The store's shopkeep is currently hanging up some freshly washed shirts.

Immeral and Employee, a Smithy Owned by Immeral Kaye

On Farrier Street, resides the Immeral and Employee. The run down limestone smithery with a thatched roof is quite large. The smithy is very messy, with tools and offcuts strewn around, and blackened cobwebs lining the ceiling. There's a layer of dust and grime on the bench top, and the floor has not been swept in quite a while.


39% Elven, 34% Human, 15% Dwarven, 11% Blood-Tainted, 1% Other


The city is mostly ran by a court of nobles, The Moon King is more of a title of show than anything for actual ruling.


Strong Exterior Walls, Strong and skilled guards.

Industry & Trade

Largest import is food, exports most trade goods.


Strong exterior walls, small farmlands, two docks, sewers, roads, bridges, a large park.


Leftover equipment from the war to arm around 1.2k people, a stable economy and rare artifacts at the disposal of the Moon King.

Guilds and Factions

The Night Sky, The Royal Court of Uxfjord, and a small thieves guild.


One of the first cities on the eastern continent, settled originally by humans but eventually became a 50/50 split of elves. Now is filled with many inhabitants of many skills and races alike.


People travel far to acquire the high skilled trade goods within Uxfjord.


Coastal city surrounded by mountains on the north side.

Natural Resources

Fish, water and decent soil.


  • Uxfjord
Founding Date
4th of Crossing, 8th Year
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization