
Notable Locations

The Talon Mines

Underneath the city is a large spiraling sub-city and mining tunnels. The sub-city is comprised mostly of shops to compliment the mines, or board for the workers to eat, sleep and drink during their breaks. The craftsmen in Talonmere are known to include the arcane within their craft and are expert enchanters, artificers, and general crafters in their own right.

The Autumn Avenue market

In the upper residential district of Talonmere, lies the Autumn Avenue Market. The vendors are organized by what they sell, and are in fierce competition with their nearby salesmen. The market is known for having every type of armour or weapon imaginable, and is overflowing with tents. Typically the market is decently busy, as plenty of people come from far off lands to browse the magical enchantments of the Talon Mines.

Nikola's Workshop

Ran by Nikola Erde, one of the best craftsmen known on the material plane. His workshop is known for its well crafted mundane weapons as well as it's magic items.  His workshop seconds as a teaching location for souls brave enough to learn his was of smithing.


  • Talonmere
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