
A has-been trade city that has began to collapse under the weight of it's own growth after a river dried up on the trade route to Uxfjord.

Notable Locations

The People's Monastery

A monastery known for many vows of silence. It is most known to protect the citizens of Tanghou, and the neighboring cities. They take in just about anyone and are able to mold them into brutal fighting machines.  The People's Monastery has a large part in the politics of Tanghou.

Evening's Meat Butcher

The butchery is a shabby rock butcher shop with a decently built yellow shingled roof. You can often find a large crate full of chicken feathers behind the counter. The owner is a half dragon male with light blue scales. He's normally a nice man, but is known to have a temper on rare occasions.


38% Human, 33% Elven, 16% Dwarven, 12% Blood-Tainted, 1% Other


  • Tanghou
Founding Date
5th of Twilight, 283rd Year
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under