
The larger sister city to Bengrex, it is ruled by Terra and her police force of Faceless.  

Notable Locations

Monastery of Unity

A large, unmissable building within The Springs district. The Monastery acts as the central hub for the Faceless.  Very few people have ever been inside and it appears to be full kempt by the Faceless themselves. The only human seen regularly entering without escort is Terra.

The Tealeaf Clothier

A small wooden shop in The Wintertown District, the shop's sign is a albatross carrying a tea leaf in it's beak. Inside is a cramped space with fabric lining the left wall, and several body forms lining the right. All fitted with middle class clothing.  The shop is known for it's spectacular usage of colours and making particularly flamboyant threads. The owner matches his clothing as a average height human male with shaved sides of his head and a near metallic sheen to his purple hair.


35% Elves, 32% human, 22% Blood-Tainted, 9% Monstrous, 2% Other


Terra single handedly runs the government but many public forums are help to keep people happy with the laws.


The inner city remains walled and armed by the Faceless, the outer and inner city are both regularly patrolled by the Faceless as well. It is unknown exactly how many Faceless there are.

Industry & Trade

Many skilled workers of a variety of races fled to Separa during its initial settlement. As such the city has plenty of skilled trade workers exporting goods to other larger cities.


The city was built quickly and efficiently by the Faceless, it has a functional sewer and paved main roads with most other roads within the walls being stone.


The city was build after the Purity Wars once the The Reinhet was defeated. It exploded in population and grabbed the attention of many people trying to escape the effects of the Purity Wars. The city was build incredibly quickly by a mix of magic and the manpower produced by the Faceless.


The city is cramped, and most buildings have multiple stories.

Natural Resources

Fertile farm lands surround the city, most likely due to the magical forest nearby to the south east.


  • Separa
Founding Date
6th of Set, 330th Year
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under