Geographic Changes due to Magic

Sunfar Pass

In one of the battles for The Pinnacle an elemental bending monk stood against an army of The Reinheit's men. In one single punch the earth in front of him quaked and shifted creating the Sunfar pass as well as the mountain range south of it. Army facing him, as well as himself all died in the act. The Sunfar pass now has a temple dedicated to his craft, and protecting the bay where he died.

The Thicket

The Thicket is a place on the Material Plane permanently damaged by the fragility of the Weave. Those who wander into this forest rarely return, and when they do they tell story of mythical creatures and living plants notorious to the Feywild. The Thicket surrounds the Pinnacle and was a large proponent in the defense of said city.

Red Waters

The Red Waters are known for their perpetually warm temperature, despite being a large open sea. Previously, the land had been encased in ice and uninhabitable, until a druid sought to make his grove there. In an effort to bring life back to the lands he pulled a searing hot rock from the fire plane into the material plane. This rock crashed into the ground and emanated a heat unimaginable, melting all the ice but also the druid. The rock grew unchecked in this uninhabitable wasteland until cracking and hatching into the very first Dragon.

Lilypad Lake

Before the lake there was a desert. And in that desert a small oasis. And naturally, a city near that oasis. Unfortunately the oasis was finite and as it dried up the residents of the city grew more and more scared, wondering what would happen to them once their sole source of life vanished. In an attempt a gifted, but novice, mage tried to draw from the Water Plane and create an endless bounty of water for his people. He began to enchant the small oasis and it grew larger and larger with each day. It continued to grow, however, even after the mage stopped his enchantment process. It grew and overtook the city, destroying it and most of the inhabitants slowly as they fell victim to either the hunters that escaped the water plane or the hunters of the desert they were lost in without shelter.