
(a.k.a. Melly)

Owner and Operator of the Hearthstone Arms, and part time bard.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in Yemont to two royal elves, Melisandre grew up a normal elf. Like most elves, she was greatly affected by the Purity Wars. Her and her parents were forced to flee Yemont and tried to escape to Ramanora. Unfortunately, after only being there for a few days Bahamut started his siege on the city. Her parents died in this seige a few months later when Bahamut's forces finally broke Ramanora's defenses. In the chaos, she fled the city and ran into the open, only by luck avoiding the death march of Bahamut's soldiers but was captured none the less. His forces believed her to be a spy and any convincing she tried to do otherwise led them to torture her.   Instead of killing her, however, her torturer gave her a worse fate. He turned her into a Medusa so that if she were a spy, she would be unable to face any forces that oppose Bahamut. They kept her and used her newfound powers to torture new victims with her lethal poison. Eventually, once the siege of Ramanora was over she was released. The only person to survive Melisandre's torture was a Half-orc woman named Kat'arr. They stayed within Ramanora for a few years, doing odds and end alchemist jobs utilizing Melly's newfound resource. Once Separa was founded by Terra, they both made their way there hoping to be free from the prejudice of their forms.   Separa was nice. Not as nice as as the propaganda makes it out to be, but it was friendly. But Melisandre still saw suffering, and wished she could help the people escape it. One evening a dwarven man half heartedly asks her to turn him to stone because he'd rather be petrified than deal with his hangover. Amused at the thought at first, this is what inspired her to make the Hearthstone Arms what it is today.


Contacts & Relations

Has a good relationship with The Rabbit's Foot Guild, and Atahan. Who originally used her services long ago before the purity wars.
Current Location
Date of Birth
8th of Pitch, 246
Year of Birth
245 111 Years old
Current Residence
Light brown
Long straight and blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned and smooth
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Sylvan, Orcish and Primordial.
Ruled Locations