Purity Wars

After Centuries of mostly peace between the races, dissent began to arise within the elves. Half-elves were viewed as an insult to Corellon for not keeping his creatures pure. Secretly, societies of Elves would kill half-elves in their homes and cities. Using this as incentive many humans began to see this as an insult to their race from the elves. The Purity war began as Humans versus Elves, but as the Humans responsible for inciting the war, as not all were behind it, grew in power so did their lust for blood. Eventually it became an all out war against all races viewed as unclean. Tieflings, Genasi, Tabaxi, Yaun-ti. All of them were viewed as abominations of the Human race. As the war grew broader the less effective it became, The humans managed to push the elves back to their holy city of The Pinnacle.   With that the Humans began to focus on the homefront, working out of Bengrex, the self proclaimed Holy City of the Pure Races. Most of the "Impure Races" were pushed north and west. Their king, The Reinhet, was challenged by a young lady in the center of the town. Un-phased by her request, a duel began. Many stories of the fight have been told but the most prevalent of them is she simply touched him and he fell to the floor, screaming in pain. He was carried away and the people of Bengrex say they heard him and his screams of madness as he paced the city at night looking for her. For ten years the war raged on as he searched until she appeared again, this time with an offer. If he ended the War she would spare him. Spare him the madness, and spare him his life. And grant him the power he wished he had since he was a child. The Reinhet was more clever than he looked. He called out the young woman by name. Terra, and said he knew her secret.   The people of the city watched in horror as the young woman transformed into a large golden dragon and repeated her offer. The Reinhet, un-phased called to the skies and a equally as large Red dragon appeared and became the Reinhet's steed. The dragons fought in the sky over Bengrex, but the Reinhet feared for his city and drew Terra to Odeka. It is said the fight lasted days and in the progress Odeka was razed to the ground, its inhabitants either crushed by the wrath of dragons or fleeing from the ruins. Terra defeated the Red Dragon and it's master fled to the people of Bengrex, saying the war was over. And over the next few years it died out. Terra colonized a sister city to Bengrex named Separa and claimed it was to be a city of peace and the intermixing of all people.
Conflict Type
Start Date
21st of Twilight, 317th Year
Ending Date
5th of Set, 330th Year


Army of the Pure

Led by

Unpure Allies

Led by


Twelve thousand men and women, mostly human
around 18 thousand men and women, mostly Reptile-kin and Elfs.


Nearly five thousand men and women.
Around six thousand men, women, and children.


Purge the material plane of impure blooded races.


  • Material Plane
    The material plane is the natural plane where most living creatures reside. It is a mostly safe plane, if you can protect yourself.