Slug Jadelaw

Slug Jadelaw

Slug. Slug Jadelaw. Slug was born in a low income house in a low income area of Tanghou. His parents are two dwarves that go by the name of Mylnn and Gralyan Jadelaw. They tried their best to give him a good childhood growing up in a low income household. Upon birth his parents were surprised with him as he was born as a Dwarf Gelatinous Genasi. His parents had him attend a barding school for he had a knack at playing the panflute as a child. Slugs appearance had caused him some issues in school as he was a victim to be bullied which would lead to him skipping class and ultimately dropping out. Slug having left the bard school instead found his wisdom on the streets listening to the homeless and drunkards tell their stories and give their insights. This had become a common thing for him to do and he had picked up some bad drinking habits while staying out late and sometimes not even returning home until the next day. This had become a problem in his parents eyes as they would find their son smelling strongly of alcohol not knowing where he has been during the night so they decided they would need to have a sitdown with him. The sitdown started as a talk which would lead to and argument that led into the unltimatum of turning his life around or get kicked out. Feeling a swirl of emotions of anger, betrayl, and sadness Slug had stormed off deciding to turn his life around on his own. The first few days werent so bad as he knew the streets and where to go for some food as he learned from the drunkards and homeless citizens. However as days turned to weeks it had gotten increasingly hard on Slug to keep on living this way so he decided to look for work. As he was heading towards the butchery to apply for a job he noticed an older human woman trying to go across the street when an cart full of imported goods was barreling down the street. It was going to be a direct collision with her if he didn't do something fast so he had dashed towards her to try and push her out of the way. The cart having passed he thought he did it and everyone was ok to only turn to the woman and see that her leg was actually run over still, not knowing where to bring her he rushed her to the monastery to see if they could help her. They had told Slug that this was not were you would normally bring someone who needed a service such as this but they would find someone to tend her wound. After the woman was treated a monk with a Maroon colored sash had told Slug that his helpfulnesss was noted and that he was welcome to train in the monastery to become a fellow monk. Slug stood and thought about it and he decided that maybe this was what he needed to turn his life around as he had agreed to train. Upon his time at the monastery he learned how to brew and he was very receptive to the teachings of the drunken fist. After he had spent a good five years of time there Slug had been promoted to the rank of Liason and it was now his duty to go out into the world and help those that need it and to learn about the world for himself.

A Dwarven Gelatinous Genesai trying to do good in the world.

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Slug Jadelaw 6 Questions.

1. Where was the Character Born? A. Slug was born in the city of Tanghou 2. Who are their parents? 2B. Are the parents/family still alive? A. Mylnn Jadelaw and Gralyan Jadelaw B. Still alive. 3.What was your character doing before the adventuring life? A. Was in school to become a bard but had decided that he would drop out and then got his wisdom from being on the streets to then be taken in by the monastery. 4. Why did your character leave their previous life? A. Felt outcasted in the bard school and decided to seek wisdom from the people living in the moment and with the help from the monastery. 5. What did your character leave behind? A. Slug left his schooling and ultimately his parents. 6. What does your character want? A. He wants to improve himself and help others when he sees those that need it.