The Fey Planes

The Fey Planes are physical mirrors of the original state of the Material Plane (Now wrought with change due to the volatility of magic) The Feywild was originally the Plane of Elemental Chaos created as a result of the Prime race purging the Material plane of the elemental chaos.   Their inhabitants are known as the Fey and come in all shapes and sizes. Typically similar to their Material Plan counter parts, just slightly off. You'll encounter bears with long catlike tails, trees that seem to whisper to you as you walk by and ravens with goat eyes.   The humanoid inhabitants hum with magic, being incredibly in tune with the natural magicks of the elemental planes it is now an interweaved part of their society. Those who lack this skill are shunned and sent to the "Feydark", the outskirts of the Feywilds that are out of sync with the natural magical planes and as a result are grim, dark and feel as cold as the darkest and loneliest cave you've ever attended.
Dimensional plane
Related Ethnicities