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The people of Keyrae

Unlike many other material-plane worlds, Keyrae's age of men and elves is long done. Creatures who collectively call themselves the beastfolk are the dominant species in this world and have many empires of their own.   The people of this world are divided into several groups: the mammalian beastfolk of the Manali empire, the reptilian and amphibious beastfolk of the Sasuthi empire, the aquatic folk of the ocean-spanning Aquarius empire, The bird-folk of the Elithi empire, The Dragonkin of Drakura and more.  

The Manali Empire

The Manali Empire is home to all the mammalian beastfolk of Keyrae. Due to their adaptability in the face of The First Fae Invasion and their natural tendency towards teamwork, they were able to rise to fill the spaces left by the once powerful Humanid empires. Most mammal-folk, with the exception of the Centaurs and Goloma, are a part of the Manali Empire.


Bovideans are the Cowfolk of Borvia in Southern Sebaal. They are strong, hardworking people who will strive to look after whoever they deem as part of their herd. Many choose to do this through owning and maintaining farms to feed their community, or by joining local city or town guard forces. Most aren't too interested in travelling outside of their native home of Borvia, but some will out of a sense of duty or obligation to the herd. those that do often form incredibly strong bonds to any new herd members they meet in their travels.   Read More


Canians most commonly live in Shooneph, but can be found in nearly every land in Keyrae. They are unwaveringly loyal to whomever they bond to, be that their family or friends they met in their travels. Despite their incredibly friendly (Sometimes unbearingly so) personalities, they can also be fearsome warriors, eagerly following the command of their pack leader to the best of their abilities. It's very common to see Canians working as guards for private property, usually out of this sense of loyalty and duty to whoever owns the land, or as acting as members of adventurer's guilds. The most well-known of the Canians are called the Shoony, a smaller, more flat-faced variety of Canian.   Read More


The Catfolk of Amurria are brave, if a little fool hardy, always ready to defend the natural world from those who might cause it harm. Despite this, as a general whole they are friendly people, if a little quick to anger. A big part of their culture involves going out into the wider world to explore, meet new people and "collect" experiences. They believe this will only strengthen their communities, as a wider range of views and experiences is crucial in a cohesive society.   Read More
Artwork From Advanced Player's Guide


Gnolls are the often misunderstood hyenafolk of Gnahri in eastern Sebaal. They are pragmatic and practical people who see wastefulness as the epitome of immorality. They are superb hunters and scavangers, and are extremely efficient in most everything they do. Both these factors, combined with the harsh environment they live in, have caused some of their practices to seem horrifying and savage to outsiders, but despite this reputation as brutal bloodthirsty bandits, Gnolls rarely seek out trouble and would much rather keep to themselves. They aren't above attacking fools who are of no use to the pack however.   Read More


The Grazeki are the deerfolk of Grazek in Southern Nepharis. Grazeki are migratory, and will travel from city to city in big heards, usually spending no more than a few months in any one place. As a result, their businesses in their cities have a rotating list of staff who will work when specific herds are in town. Unlike other migratory beastfolk though, Grazeki divide their herds based on gender, there is a male and a female migratory route, which will periodically meet up every few months. Non-Binary or Intersex Grazeki may choose to go with either heard, but many choose to stay in the towns as some of the few permanent residents. Some Grazeki may break away from their heard to travel on their own, those that do often work as mercenaries or other similar work.


The Raanaroo are the Kangaroofolk of Ozphenia. They are, for the most part, laid back, but prone to startling and acting without fully considering their actions. Luckily their tough hide keeps them safe from their more questionable decisions made in the heat of the moment. Raanaroo live in small, nomadic communities and they will frequently travel from places they know are safe. It's pretty common to see them relaxing in the hottest parts of the day, and traveling closer to sunrise or sunset. For the most part, Ranaroo will try to stay away from the other beastfolk, but they have been known to "adopt" lone Anadi and Cainian on occasion. Few Raanaroo will leave their homeland as they simply don't see much of a reason to.


The Rabbitfolk hail from Hazem, but have well-established communities all over Keyrae, at least within the Manali Empire. Outside of Hazem, you'll typically see them most often in towns and cities that have had historic bad luck, or rely on luck for survival (such as in places with a lot of natural disasters). This is because rabbitfolk are known for being particularly spiritual, and many take up jobs as preists, clerics or champions when traveling abroad. For whatever reason, the gods seem to listen when they call, leading to the idea that rabbitfolk are lucky. The Rabbitfolk themselves are aware of this and it is a generally accepted aspect among their society, leading to many of them traveling abroad to offer their services.   Read More


Trun are the wise and friendly elephant people of Trunem in Southern Redbane. They are very community minded and form small, extremely close-nit communities. They travel frequently within their own boarders, making migratory pilgrimages to the same locations a few times a year, but they will rarely stray from these paths and travel abroad. The few that do travel outside of Trunem will usually form similarity close bonds with their travel companions, and it is extremely unusual to see a single Trun by themselves.   Read More


Ysoki are the rodentfolk of Ysokia. Most surface-dwelling folk know Ysoki as a communal people who prefer cramped conditions, with up to 100 individuals living in a given house As a result, Ysoki cities are extraordinarily cramped (to the point where even medium sized creatures may struggle to navigate them, and large creatures may find it outright impossible). They love to travel, and they can often be found on the road in merchant caravans. They’re good with their hands and have a keen eye for spotting anything out of the ordinary, from threats to treasures. They’re also inveterate hoarders; ysoki warrens are crammed full of unusual odds and ends gathered by previous generations and stowed away in preparation for some future emergency.

The Land of Tauguan

The Centaurs and Goloma are the only two mammalian beastfolk not part of the Manali Empire. Instead, they founded their own home in the land of Tauguan after generations of fighting both the humanid races and the dragonkin that preceded them.


  Centaurs are strong, proud people with the upper body of an elf and the lower body of a horse. They are incredibly stubborn, proud and confident, and will not hesitate to attack anything that wanders into their lands without invitation. They have a reputation for being blood-thirsty and violent, however, this isn't true, the reason for their territorial behaviour is more out of precaution than anything else. The humanid species used to fight with them frequently, seeing them as lesser creatures due to their animal lower halves and driving them out of their ancestral homes. Now in modern times, with the fall of the humanid empires, they were able to reclaim their homeland, and will now defend it fearlessly from the rest of the two-legged creatures. They do, however, make an exception for the Goloma, with whom they frequently ally and share land with.   Read More


The famously fearful Golma are creatures who were originally from Ozphena and Ammuria, but after many many negative encounters with the humanid species who used to rule those lands, and now the beastfolk who inhabit it, they fled. Many found places to hide away in jungles and mountains, but were eventually chased out by other beastfolk, who they were too fearful of to fight off. Eventually, they found their way into Tauguan, home of the centuars. Rather uncharacteristically of them, the Centaurs took pitty on the Golma, and allowed them to stay with them in their lands, so long as they are respectful of the Centaur's sacred places. Most Golma now make their home in Tauguan, one of the few truly safe places in Keyrae from the "monsterous two-eyes".   Read More
Artwork From Lost Omens: The Mwangi Expanse

The Sasuthi empire

Reptile and Amphibian beastfolk are humanoids with reptilian or amphibious features. After the Mammalian beastfolk, they make up the second-largest population on Keyrae and mostly live in south-east Redbane as part of the Sasuthi empire.


The "monstrous" serpentfolk, or as they call themselves, the Ashessi, are the stuff of nightmares for some residents of Keyrae, but their reputation is (mostly) unwarranted and based largely on misunderstandings. Ashessi struggle to emote in the same ways as humans and other races, so it can be rather offputting for anyone unfamiliar with them. Despite this though, they are generally a friendly people but can be easily led astray by powerful forces, especially dragons and malicious gods. Thankfully, most Ashessi in Keyrae serve under the guidance of the couatls, becoming loyal servants to the forces of lawfulness and good.   Read More


Axilons are the axolotl folk who live almost exclusively in the rivers and lakes of Griplia. Axilons are quiet but fun-loving people who mostly keep to themselves, preferring to really only trade with their close neighbours and allies, the Gripli. They can often be seen surfing the river tides and generally enjoying themselves in small community groups. When Axilons do venture out into the wider world, it's usually not without good reason.


Iruxi are the Lizardfolk of Iruxanik in Southern Redbane. Historically, they were known for being extremely insular, but a big part of this was their tendency to get into trouble with the Humanid Species due to massive differences in how the two groups communicated. Now they frequently travel within the bounds of the Sasuthi Empire, and will occasionally venture out into the wider world. They have adapted to living in most environments, but still prefer to keep close to the water where possible.


gripplis are treetop survivalists who harvest their homes’ bounty and defend themselves against the terrible threats of the jungle. Gripli cities are built into the trees and cliffs, utilizing just as much vertical space as horizontal (and making them somewhat hard to spot during the daylight hours if you don't know what to look out for). Many gripli will travel all across Redbane and beyond to see what else the world has in store, and many feel a strong desire to protect it, becoming adventurers and mercenaries.


Shellbacks are the turtle and tortosfolk that origonate from the land of Shex-Adren in far east Redbane. These reptilian humanoids can live incredibly long times, to the point where most of them loose track after around 500, and are the perfect example of the old saying "slow and steady wins the race". There are individuals who claim to have been alive during the age of dragons, and some who claim to have hatched in eras before even that, and one thing they will all tell any "youngin" is not to rush - the universe has a way of coming to the aid of the patient. Shellbacks often travel on long, globe-spanning pilgrimages, sharing their wisdom with anyone willing to listen.

The Land of Drakura

Dragonkin are humanoids that heavily resemble dragons, and usually inherited draconic traits such as a breath weapon or some forms of innate magic. They come in two forms, the kobolds and their larger cousins, the Drakuri, and together, they formed the land of Drakura.


Before the Humanid Empires, Keyrae was ruled by the dragons. Kobolds were the most common species at the time, and many dragons grew tired of micromanaging their kingdoms, so they selected a small number of Kobolds from each warren, city and towns. The dragons magically altered them, they were made bigger, tougher and more mild-mannered than their kin. These became the first Drakuri, and they were in charge of managing the day-to-day affairs of the other humanoids (mainly the kobolds). In the Modern Day, Drakuri are a rare sight outside the land of Drakura. Those who stayed are more common to see in positions of power, but those who left mostly became mercenaries and travelling merchants.   Read More


Kobolds are small Draconic creatures believed to have been initially created to serve the dragons. When the dragons ruled Keyrae, they were the most common being in the world, but now their numbers have fallen somewhat. Modern Kobolds either live in warrens among their kin or in cities among the other beastfolk. Drakurian Kobolds have built cities that are somewhat a mix of both, and are quite happy in those kinds of environments.   Read More

The Fae-folk of Sylveth

Most of the Fae-folk in Keyrae are descendants of a small population of Fae that turned on the invading forces during the First Fae Invasion. They have their own country in Western Sebaal called Sylveth, which is considered a safe haven for all who originated from the first world.


There was already a significant number of gnomes in Keyrae before the Fae invasion, living among the other humanid societies and these original gnomes were a big part of the reason that many fae turned against the invading forces to fight on the side of defending Keyrae. Now there are small populations of gnomes who live on Orsina with the other humanids, but most chose to live among their first-world kin in Sylveth.


Sprites are diminutive, whimsical, and exuberant creatures from the First World. They love playing pranks, exploring new things, and embracing everything to do with magic. Like the gnomes, there were already a very small number of Sprites in Keyrae before the invasion, but the vast majority of the ones who now call Keyrae their home are the descendants of those original faes who invaded from the first world, but eventually turned on the forces commanding them. Becuase of this, there is still a lot of hostility towards them and the other fae-folk, so most sprites prefer to stay within the borders of Sylveth.


While not always fea, many Leshy in Keyrae have their origins in the First world. Because of this, even Leshy created by druids or through other means are often considered fae, and will be treated with the same suspicion as any of the other fae-born creatures.

The people of Aquarius

Aquarius is the name of the empire under the waves inhabited by merfolk of all kinds.


The merfolk of Keyrae can be found all over the continents and the surrounding oceans, from the coral reef in the north to the frozen-over lakes in the south, Merfolk are a hardy and adaptable bunch that come in many shapes and sizes. In days long passed, Merfolk gained quite the reputation for being beautiful but dangerous monsters that lure unweary travellers and sailers to their deaths but as of recent years, some merfolk have been keen to explore and interact with the landfolk, which has done a lot to dissuade a lot of the myths about them. When not in the water, most merfolk will use wheelchairs or other similar mobility devices to navigate dry land.   Read More

The land of Avernia

Elithi and other avian-beast folk and air-elementals founded themselves a home east of the Narrowspire mountains. Thier most heavily populated cities can be found high in the trees of the unfathomably tall Skywood forest, or in the heart of the heart of the Narrowspire mountains


Elithi are the most common of the avianfolk, taking on the appearance of many different species of humanoid bird, mainly parrots and raptors. The Elithi are famous for their amazing bards, artisans and performers of all kinds.   Read More

The lost Commonwealth

  The lost commonwealth is the name given to the Kepek and their creations in Keyrae. The Kepek live mostly on Keyrae's three moons but small populations of them and their creations can be found in Northern Redbane.  
Common Kepek Anatomy by Kat Nelson


Kepek are a former space-faring race from an alternate universe. The Kepek found on Keyrae and its surrounding moons are descendants of a scouting party that, through means unknown, ended up in this universe and became stranded. They first attempted to settle on Keyrae, but they claim the Saurians were immediately hostile towards them, causing the Kepek to flee. They eventually settled on Lunares, Cryson and Azurni, Keyrae's 3 moons. The ship they once called home was sent out to search for more inhabitable planets but disappeared. It's been thousands of years, and no one has heard from them since. In the following years, The Kepek left behind went through a major technological regression. Much of their kind's knowledge and lead scholars were on the lost ship. They have since been able to develop ships capable of local planetary flight (that being travel between Keyrae and it's moons) but knowledge of interstellar travel and much of their more complex technology has been completely lost. Despite this, they are some of the most advanced people in Keyrae, and were responsible for the creation of Mechanons, who were instrumental in keeping the rest of the world safe from the fae during the The First Fae Invasion.   read more


Mechanons are autonomous robot humanoids who were created during The First Fae Invasion to help fight the fae. Their lack of need for things like food or sleep made them ideal foot soldiers and sentries for high-value locations. Over time they began learning from the other humanoids and their fae foes, and seemingly developed a true consciousness all on their own. In modern times, most Mechanons either stayed in the Faeguard mountains or find themselves among society fulfilling very specific jobs for whomever will accept them.   Read More

The Saurian Empire

Once a globe-spanning empire, it is believed the name Suarian referred to a number of dinosaur-like beastfolk that lived throughout keyrae. No one knows for sure exactly what happened to them, but there are those who claim some still exist on the Tebu islands.     read more  

Humanid Ancestries

Humanid is the collective name given to the once common races that closely resemble humans and their kin such as elves, orcs, dwarves etc. There aren't many humanid peoples left, but small populations can be found on the Orsanian Islands to the east of Redbane.

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