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Hofu, Horn of Plenty

The breadbasket of Kazanshiro and the continent beyond, Hofu is the seat of power for the Kufuku Clan of Hill Giants. Clan Kufuku has always been vital in supplying Kazanshiro with food, but with recent innovations in food preservation and processing their reach has expanded throughout the continent.


House Kufuku wields tremendous economic and thus political power through supplying food to more arid regions of the country and continent. Lady Momoko of the Kufuku clan is a particularly brilliant alchemist who has learnt to process and preserve their produce to allow for greater exports and thus an even farther political reach. As the saying goes, the Heads of Kazanshiro owe their alliegance to the crown, but their stomachs will always be loyal to Kufuku.


Defended by various samurai, as well as massive beasts that feast upon the magically imbued harvest.

Industry & Trade

Farming is the trade of choice here, with all manner of vegetables, fruit and livestock growing bountifully even in deepest winter.

Points of interest

The Horn of Bounty itself, where plants grow so fast you can almost hear them move, is a wonder to behold. Tours can pay extra to gather/hunt some food to have cooked later at a private feast. It was established as a blessing of O-Hiroto, that despite Clan Kufuku being the smallest giants, they would never lack in food.
  There are two major temples here, one to O-Danro and another to Makigai Grandshell. The temple to O-Danro has been established and maintained as thanks for an often overlooked deed of his: The Invention of Agriculture. Makigai Grandshell is a very important deity to Hofu, as he is a god of rain that is so essential to maintaining the lush paradise here.
Location under
Owning Organization


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