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Sakura the Stormkeep

The ancient capital of Kazanshiro, the Stormkeep has lessened in prominence since they were unseated from the Shogunate. They still maintain a degree of prestige from their excellent smithing and magically imbued metal, as well as their paramilitary activity with the Order of Kumano.


As the ancient capital of Kazanshiro, Sakura's legacy is still respected but they have long since fell out of favor as the ruling clan of the country. They work very closely with the paramilitary group the Order of Kumano, but otherwise don't have an outsized impact on Kazanshiro's political landscape.


Despite not being as politically vital as they once were, Storm Giants still have the most raw power among giantkind and will fiercely defend their home.

Industry & Trade

There is still an ancient tradition of smithing and craftsmanship here, the mines and smiths of Stormkeep produce weapons and armor of superior quality and magical potential. The stone itself is said to be charged with lightning just waiting to be unleashed.

Points of interest

The ancient imperial palace, now the residence of Daimyo Rin Arashi and House Arashi, is a breathtakingly beautiful work of architecture, despite the tragic damage it took during it's sacking by the Kasai Clan in 247AD. It has been repaired, but areas that were damaged have been preserved to remind them of what they lost.
  The Seven Labors of Chishiro were challenges the mythical founder king of Kazanshiro had to complete to earn the hand of Princess Sakura of the Storm Giants. There is a renactment of the challenges you can undergo, becoming a Lord of House Arashi if you succeed.
  There are two temples of note here, an extremely grand one honoring O-Hiroto the Stormbringer the progenitor of giantkind and one honoring Kuma the Bear Baron who was a friend of the late Emperor Yomiji the Scroll King.
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Owning Organization


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