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Muso, Dreamer's Reach

The ancient capital of the Stone Giants and now the seat of the shogunate, Muso is constructed around Hiroto's Cradle an ancient site of Giant heritage. Within Hiroto's Cradle are megafauna such as dinosaurs as well as a massive petrified Stone Giant known simply as The Dreamer whose fingers reach through the top of the mountain. Atop the mountain is Dreamer's Reach where supplicants are granted prophetic dreams and the ability to astral project into the Spirit Realm.


The seat of the Shogunate and home of the Emperor, Muso is a very important site politically and culturally. At the top of the mountain is Dreamer's Reach where the Emperor and select few individuals can connect to the Spirit Realm through the potent dreaming abilities of the petrified ancient stone giant underneath the mountain.


The finest samurai, mages and wards protect Muso.

Industry & Trade

They harvest dream stones that are used to create magical artifacts and divine the future.

Points of interest

Hiroto's Cradle is an ancient cradle of giantkind full of megafauna and the massive petrified form of an ancient stone giant.
  Dreamer's Reach is a massive circle of stones where you have prophetic dreams and can astral project to the Spirit Realm.
  The Palace of the Shogun and the Emperor's Palace are both located here.
    There is a grand temple to O-Hiroto outside the entrance into Hiroto's Cradle, as well as temple to Mitsubachi the Sunspreader within that helps maintain the internal sun that allows plants to bloom here.


There is a challenge of a Dinosaur Rodeo within Hiroto's Cradle within the mountain where you ride a dinosaur as one would try to ride a bull.
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