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Makura, Seat of the Sky Saints

Makura is the headquarters of the Kumo Clan of Cloud Giants, who work to achieve enlightenment and ponder the nature of the universe. They also produce fine poetry and spell scrolls.


The Kumo clan of cloud giants are very loose in ruling, the nobility is much more concerned with philosophy and poetry than politics. They collect the bare minimum of taxes to function and usually don't participate in discussions with leaders of other clans unless they have had some great revelation or are asked directly.


Illusory mists that misdirect and distract, with some mages and samurai in case they overcome those.

Industry & Trade

They are well known for making incredibly high quality spell scrolls.

Points of interest

They take cloud watching extremely seriously, for divination purposes as well as for pleasure.
  Their major temples are to O-Hiroto the Stormbringer and Washi the Herald of the Gods. They're very religious overall, with great concern focused on achieving enlightenment and maintaining detachment from worldly concerns and aligning themselves with the element of air.
Location under
Owning Organization


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