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Rutsubo, the Crucible of Empire

The capital of the deposed and disgraced Kasai Clan of fire giants, this place is still an important industrial center of Kizudo and a hotbed of rebellion against imperial authority.


Disgraced and unseated by the Ishi Clan after the Sundering War, the influence of the Kasai Clan has waned in the decades since it's fall. There has always been an undercurrent of unrest, which in recent years has led to a volatile political climate. Ayane-9, the leader of the clan is viewed as an imperial puppet by her detractors and many seek to depose her and restore the clan to it's former glory.


All of the offensive weaponry was stripped from them after their defeat, but they still maintain a fierce defense with various warrior-smiths, automatons and natural defenses.

Industry & Trade

While Shokunin is more popular for artisan work, Rutsubo is still the most common for regular manufacturing of metalworks. It has the greatest density of forges and refineries on Kizudo, most powered by geothermal vents of lava.

Points of interest

The Moltensteel Keep is a massive fortress and forge protected by a moat of molten magma.
  Hot Boating is a popular sport here, where special heatproof boats race through rivers of lava while avoinding deadly obstacles such as slag islands and bubbles of superheated gas.
  The two major temples here are to O-Saruyama the Mountain King and Kairi the Hearthkeeper. O-Saruyama taught them to harness the molten blood of the land to forge their steel. Kairi the Hearthkeeper protects those who work with fire.
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Owning Organization


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