Church of Renewed Faith in the Maker

"Gather around, my children. I know that many of our faith fear change, but as the burned out ruins of the Reverent Chapel attest, not all change is meant to be feared!"   ~Krysanke FeathersPriest of Sacqueline

Purpose / Function

Though technically it's being renovated and expanded rather than actually built anew, the temple is meant to convey a revival of the old faith and optimism for its future.   It has also begun to incorporate propaganda art to garner sympathy and interest for the Knights of Scarroh.


Originally a grand temple which was reduced to a simple church, the old grounds have been reclaimed and new construction is being done around the church proper to create a new grand temple of stone and stained glass.


Like most buildings in Sacqueline, the temple makes prodigious use of the grandest designs of the Stonecutters Society.
Alternative Names
The New Church
Temple / Church
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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